SACE & SAUG: Status Report Frankfurt - March 15th, 2018 SACE
Outline Quick report on achieved and ongoing tasks News from the team; JD+, Downloads and issues; Helpdesk, Assistance; Trainings, conferences; Plug-Ins. SACE
Composition SACE/SAUG Members SACE: Insee, Istat, ONS, INE Portugal, CBS Latvia, NBB, 2 IE; SAUG: 9 NSIs at the beginning (Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain) Partners IMF, Eurostat, Bundesbank, OECD Observers SACE members SAUG 15 March 2018, Frankfurt Main - SAEG Meeting
News from the Team SACE SAUG Out: Jennie Davies (ONS), Ivars Getins (CBS Latvia) In: Valérie Mathey (Insee), Alain Quartier la tente (Insee), Vents Valle (CBS Latvia), GianLuigi Mazzi (IE), Australian Bureau of Statistics, StatCan will participate to the next meeting. Regina Soares (INE) on medical leave since June SAUG Finland: Henri Luomaranta replaced Lauri Saarinen Hungary: Mária Katalin Pécs replaced Gabor Lovics New members: Croatia, Germany, Ireland, Turkey SACE
15 March 2018, Frankfurt Main - SAEG Meeting A “problem” Total number of SAUG: > 30 High interest and large community Efficiency of physical meetings, task sharing etc. SAUG 15 March 2018, Frankfurt Main - SAEG Meeting
15 March 2018, Frankfurt Main - SAEG Meeting Activities SAUG Testing JDemetra+ v. 2.2.0 (and v. 2.2.1) User requirements: proposals for improvements (many issues on GitHub opened by SAUG members) Presenting, testing and monitoring the development of new plug-ins: SpecParser, TransReg, ConCur, ExcelAdapter etc. Communication, promotion and implementation of JD+ in NSI/NB SAUG 15 March 2018, Frankfurt Main - SAEG Meeting
Proposed future tasks SAUG Restructuring the way of working, meetings, virtual networking to gain efficiency Contributions to documentation (wiki) Gifs and/or videos, User cases, Proofreading User requirements and testing further plug-ins User Requirements for JD+ 3.x SAUG 15 March 2018, Frankfurt Main - SAEG Meeting
Helpdesk Still quite active. Move on Gmail. Some statistics as of 26/02/2018 210 “real” questions, 2 still pending 70 institutes SACE
Who is using JD+? Helpdesk A difficult question: GitHub downloads are anonymous Helpdesk SACE
Who is using JD+? Latvia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Romania, Cyprus, Austria, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey But many other users: Australia, Algeria, Botswana, Cameroon, Maroc, Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia, UEMOA, ECB, Eurostat, IMF etc. SACE
JDemetra+ JD 2.2 released on July 11th (on GitHub) Regular monitoring of: Requests / Commits Downloads (a program is run every day) Downloads (as of 12/03/2018): JD+ 2.0: 2962 JD+ 2.1: 3506 JD+ 2.2: 3196 SACE
Downloads SACE
Issues (1) Opening of the GitHub page dedicated to JDemetra+ (version 1.5.4) on December 18th, 2014 Since, a total of 694 issues have been opened out of which 611 (88.0%) have been closed and 83 are still open. SACE
Issues (2) SACE
Training, Coaching SACE members and partners are very active trainers. Regular monitoring of the trainings done with JD+ (INE in charge). Recent examples: Australia (ABS), South Africa (Stats SA) IMF uses JD+ for trainings SACE
Plug-Ins Huge work on the link R-JD+ (NBB) Testing the Revision Plug-In (ONS) SA quality report: selection of indicators; High Frequencies: First methodological works. Need to adapt JD+ to these frequencies. Firsts Java routines are available for TS, STL, X12 and SSM (NBB). SACE
Conferences June 2017: Seminar at the ABS (moving TD effects, JD+). June 2017: ISF conference, presentation of first results on high frequencies July 2017: ISI conference. Session on Calendar Effects ( Hegire calendar); Session on JD+. August 2017: JSM conference, presentation of new results on SA of weekly and daily data. December 2017: CFE-ERCIM conference, presentation of results on high frequencies SACE