Evolution Of Congress January 29, 2018 INTRO QUIZ-Pocket Constitution House of Representatives How many representatives does the Constitution guarantee each State? Identify 2 powers specific to the House. Provide two qualifications to become a House member. If a House Rep. leaves office early, how is the seat filled? (Article I, Section II) 5. What is the most powerful leadership position in the House? Senate How were Senators chosen prior to 1913? How did the 17th amendment change this? How else, aside from election, can one become a Senator? Is this different than from the House? (Article I, Sec III) List two formal qualifications to become a Senator. Identify 2 powers specific to Senate.
Evolution Of Congress AP US Govt. Objective: Better understand…Intentions, conflict, and recent developments within Congress
Why is the re-lection rate soooo high for incumbents even though they have such a low approval rating?
I. Intentions of Founders CONCERNS/FEARS: CongressDominant branch (Fed #51) Mob rule Built-in conflict/inefficiency RepresentationCompromise
II. Conflict= Central vs. Decentralized *Centralization: (HOUSE) Quick/decisive Strong Leadership Restrict debate *Decentralization: (SENATE) Slow Congress: Weaker Leadership Allow more debate (Filibuster/Cloture) Stall
III. Conclusion RULE OF THUMB: CongressEarly is BetterMandate Toe the line Avoid Controversial Topics