Welcome Chelsea Families to Curriculum Night!
About Ms. Brown Student taught at Chelsea in Spring of 2016 with Mrs. Magana Graduated from Lewis University 2nd year at Chelsea Love to spend time with family and friends, craft/scrapbook, and listen to music.
Where can I see what my kids will be learning? www.fsd157c.org District office tab Curriculum tab ALL curricular expectations are listed for parents
Basal Reader – StoryTown Guided Reading/Leveled Readers Novels Variety of readings Basal Reader – StoryTown Guided Reading/Leveled Readers Novels Fiction/Non-Fiction passages
Writer’s Workshop All students at Chelsea will participate in Writer’s Workshop that focuses on explicit instruction in writing. Our units include narrative, opinion, informational, fairy tales, and extended responses.
Words Their Way We are using Words Their Way to teach spelling, phonics and vocabulary this year. Throughout the week, the children sort word or picture cards that are similar. The program is developmental. The children are working on sorts appropriate for them.
Why Eureka ? Greater focus on fewer topics Coherence – linking topics and thinking across grades Ie. Number bonds, tape diagrams Rigor – Pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application with equal intensity ie. 4 components – fluency practice, application problem, concept development and student debrief
Eureka Module 1 – Properties of Multiplication and Division and solving problems with units of 2-5 and 10. Module 2 – Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure Module 3 – Multiplication and Division with units of 0, 1, 6-9 and multiples of 10. Module 4 – Multiplication and Area Module 5 – Fractions as numbers on a number line Module 6 – Collecting and Displaying Data Module 7 – Geometry and Measurement Word Problems
Eureka Math IS IS NOT Understanding why Fact fluency – ie sprints, Zearn Modeling, practicing, exploring, collaborating, and sharing Knowing there are multiple avenues to reach an answer IS NOT Memorization Fast math/Otter Creek Endless exercises without context or working alone Just one way to solve
Social Studies Communities Government Maps and Globes Native Americans
(Next Generation Science Standards) Weather NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) Weather Forces and Motions – Rockets Heredity – Inheritance of Traits/Fossils Life Cycles of plants and animals
Homework Math approximately 4 times per week. * Not all problems may be assigned. * Homework is EXPECTED to be returned the next day to receive completion credit. Reading 20 minutes 4 times per week. Occasional projects
Chelsea Encore Classes STEM(Science Technology Engineering Math) PE – daily SPANISH MUSIC ART
Quarters Report Cards Online PowerSchool to check for grades
Chelsea Intermediate School Behavior Expectations 2017-2018
Expected Behaviors Expected Behaviors are a behavior that we look for in our building that we want to see on a daily basis. Expected Behaviors are when people demonstrate expected behaviors, it helps our school to succeed in a positive way. Expected Behaviors are those that help a child learn and be seen in a positive way.
Chelsea Intermediate Behavior Incentives Teachers may reward students with Tiger Tickets by giving any student demonstrating expected behavior in any school zone a Tiger Ticket. Each student will have a chart where they will glue their tickets. When their chart is full, they will receive a Tiger Stripe from their classroom teacher. Stripes will be brought down to the office and entered into a monthly raffle.
Unexpected Behaviors Unexpected Behaviors are behaviors we would be surprised to see at Chelsea Intermediate. Unexpected behaviors are things that may disrupt our learning environment. Unexpected Behaviors are things kids do or say that others think are hurtful, disrespectful, or not friendly to others.
Possible Consequences Warnings Loss of Recess Time Sit at the Better Choice Table during Lunch Lunch & Recess Detentions Loss of Privileges (assemblies, etc)
Grading Scale 100 - 98 A+ 72 – 70 C- 97 - 93 A 69 – 67 D+ 89 – 87 B+ 62 – 60 D- 86 – 83 B 59 – below F 82 – 80 B- 79 -77 C+ 76 – 73 C
Assessment Terra Nova will be replaced with the new assessment, FASTBRIDGE FASTBRIDGE will be administered 3x per year. Our first assessment window is in September Our criteria for Advanced/Honors classes will change The curriculum department will be establishing new criteria for Advanced/Honors classes once the new assessment data is reviewed Please contact Janet McClarence, Director of Curriculum & Instruction or Sharon Nepote with questions
Sign ups for our November conferences will be done online Sign ups for our November conferences will be done online. Information will come in October.
If you would like to volunteer for parties or field trips, please sign up. Parent volunteers will be chosen by a lottery system and you will be notified if you are picked.
Non-food items may be brought in for your child’s birthday.
Classroom Webpage WWW.FSD157C.ORG Please be sure to look at my web page weekly for homework, curriculum updates, downloads, websites, important dates, etc. WWW.FSD157C.ORG
The FSP is the Parent Teacher Organization for District 157-C The FSP is the Parent Teacher Organization for District 157-C. Our mission is designed to strengthen the partnership between home and school through parent volunteer opportunities, student enrichment activities and fun family events. Some of the ways that we have enriched and supported the curriculum include: Funding for field trips Sponsoring special assembly programs Providing scholarships Providing curriculum enrichment funding to each school Coordinating volunteers for all our events and programs Each year we also hold FREE fun family events such as: Fall Family Fun Night and Creative Arts Showcase at Grand Prairie Exploration Night and Family Fitness Night at Chelsea Come visit our table at Curriculum Night and visit us at www.fsp157c.org to learn more about our organization, our events, registering and volunteering.
give. grant. grow. MISSION: Raising funds throughout the year to fulfill teacher written grants for the classroom. Over $2 million granted to date. GRANTED TO: Grand Prairie, Chelsea, and Hickory Creek FUNDRAISERS: Annual Dinner Auction & Hot Lunches RECENT GRANTS: For 23 years, the mission of our parent led Education Foundation has been to fulfill teacher written grants for our K-8th grade classrooms in the areas of art, literacy, technology, math, physical education, science, social studies and character building programs. Last year, the Foundation donated over $165,000 in educational materials to 157-C classrooms. We are especially proud of two recent grants in particular: $69,000 retrofit of the Chelsea Intermediate School library and the $18,000 creation of the Hickory Creek Middle School STEM classroom. We are always in search of volunteers and donors. Please consider supporting our teachers and your students by purchasing our EF Hot Lunches throughout the school year, attending or sponsoring our annual Casino Night fundraiser, or volunteering to serve on our Foundation. For more information and volunteering opportunities visit our website at www.ef157c.org
We’re off for a SUPER year! Thank you for coming!