Censorship Media law
Outcomes Define the concept “censorship” Discuss the various forms of censorship Discuss the regulation of pornography in South Africa Discuss how indecent, obscene and pornographic matter is regulated in South Africa
What is censorship? The Oxford dictionary defines a censor as:
Types of censorship State censorship – where the State imposes restrictions Self-regulation – where an individual or community or group imposes restrictions Prior restraint – the restriction of speech or expression by a Sate official before it enters the public domain
State censorship (Generally) no State censorship in SA Restriction imposed by State Freedom of expression constitutionally entrenched Balancing of interests Society dictates values and morals Child pornography (Generally) no State censorship in SA
Self-regulation Self censorship Used fairly extensively in South Africa Not subject to legal restraint (voluntary) Examples South African Press Code Code of Advertising Practice
Prior restraint Pre-publication checking of matter Undesirable as secretive, easy to remove anti-government opinions, heavy handed etc Only films subject to prior restraint in SA Film & Publications Board
South African approach Films etc – prior restraint Films and Publications Act 65 of 1996 Printed matter On complaint