Parents Forum 27th September 2016 Believe, Achieve, Enjoy
Believe, Achieve, Enjoy Welcome
This meeting is…a time to learn more about the school. Believe, Achieve, Enjoy This meeting is… for discussing the continual developments of the school in a positive, safe and structured environment. This meeting is… an opportunity to involve our stakeholders in the future of Wingrave Church of England Combined School. This meeting is…a time to learn more about the school. This meeting is not … an opportunity to discuss individual concerns.
Brief Presentations to include Agenda Believe, Achieve, Enjoy Brief Presentations to include School development priorities for 2016/17 – Mrs Britnell Assessment without Levels – Mrs Brown Effective use of Teaching Assistants at Wingrave – Mrs Moore Role of the Governing Body – Mrs Lomas Introduction of Parent’s suggestion box –– Mrs Britnell Governor lead group discussions focussing on the Parents/Carers section of the Home School Agreement
School Development Plan Believe, Achieve, Enjoy The School Development Plan (SDP) is our path to success & the achievement of our vision for Wingrave pupils and their families; to provide an outstanding place of learning within our local community that will raise aspirations and enable all learners to fulfil their potential. This plan identifies the schools priorities to continue on the journey to achieve outstanding.
Key Successes for 2015/16 GOOD Ofsted grading April 2016 Believe, Achieve, Enjoy GOOD Ofsted grading April 2016 A new assessment tracking system across the school to support the new curriculum established School Baseline Assessment completed in line with Government initiative 77% of pupils achieved a Good level of Development at the end of EYFS compared to 69% nationally Percentage of pupils reaching at least the expected standard in reading, writing & maths at the end of Yr 2 was higher in all areas than those achieved nationally Percentage of pupils working at least at the expected standard in reading, writing & maths at the end of Yr 6 was 68% compared to a national figure of 53% and 11% were working at greater depth compared to 5% nationally.
Key Successes for 2015/16 continued Believe, Achieve, Enjoy Musical enrichment – Young voices, whole class tuition, showcase, band, CD MUGA completed – thanks to PTFA, Pre-School, Trustees and Parish Council Visits and visitors – Science museum, Holdenby House, Theatre, rainforest, WWII, Forest Schools, themed days Community links – Art project, history group, French twinning, poetry competition PTFA – ongoing support organising a range of fundraising events New SEND procedures embedded across the school Opportunities for real life maths – Metro bank, math2art, enterprise
To ensure challenge for all, particularly the most able Priorities To ensure challenge for all, particularly the most able Develop mastery teaching in mathematics Provide cross curricular opportunities for independent extended writing (Big Write) To embed the teaching of reading across the school and in partnership with parents To Support and develop children as reflective/Purple Learners Believe, Achieve, Enjoy
Priorities continued Believe, Achieve, Enjoy To embed assessment without levels – understood by all stakeholders Develop outstanding learning behaviours in all pupils To further develop a creative curriculum – providing children with a range of rich and diverse experiences and learning opportunities (Life Bus, authors, illustrators, orchestra visits, theatre visits, musical opportunities, cross curricular themed days, trips, forest schools, Big Science,