DCMS: Training Manual Complaint and Inspection Management July, 2010
DCMS Windows Application Complaint and Inspection Management Training Manual
Introduction DCMS is a system, demanded by HPCL to remain leader in the LPG industry of India. This manual makes the user acquainted with the Domestic Consumer Creation of the DCMS Windows Application. 3
Intended Audience Purpose This manual guides the Distributor on how register and process Complaint and Inspection request. Intended Audience Distributors of HP Gas 4
Organization of the Manual Section/Chapter Name Short Description Create Complaint How to create or lodge a Complaint. Search Complaint Search Complaint registered in the past. Create Inspection Request How to record an Inspection Request. Search Inspection Request Search Inspection Request registered in the past.
Complaint Management All the screens involved in Complaint Management Operations can be found under Complaint Management option in the Menu Bar. Clicking on the Name of each Screen opens it in the Screen Display Area.
Complaint Management is dealt with in the system using the following two screens: Create Complaint Search Complaint
Create Complaint The Consumer Details can be Fetched from the database using the provided Consumer Number. The Complaint details have to be mentioned. On saving the request, a Complaint Number gets generated and the Complaint Status gets set to Open. The Distributor allocates the request to a Mechanic and sets status to Allocated. After the service has been provided, the status is set to Resolved. Details of the Resolution have to be provided to the system before setting the status to Closed.
Create Complaint screen…
Search Complaint Complaints in the database can be searched using this screen. Orders can be looked up on the basis of a number of criteria like Consumer Number, From Date and To Date, Complaint Number, Complaint Type, Complaint Status, etc. Providing two or more of the above inputs greatly refines the Search results. In the List of Complaints displayed as result, the Complaint Number remain hyper linked and clicking on each entry shows the details of the Complaint in a View/Modify Complaint Request screen.
Search Complaint screen… Hyperlinked Complaint No.
Inspection Management All the screens involved in Inspection Request Processing Operations can be found under Inspection option in Order Fulfillment section of the Menu Bar. Clicking on the Name of each Screen opens it in the Screen Display Area.
Inspection Request is dealt with in the system using the following two screens: Search Inspection
Inspection Request The Consumer Details can be Fetched from the database using the provided Consumer Number. The Preferred Date and Time, Inspection Type have to be mentioned. On saving the request, a Inspection Number gets generated and the Inspection Status gets set to Open. The Distributor allocates the request to a Mechanic and sets status to Allocated. After the service has been provided, the status is set to Closed with the details of the Inspection. The Inspection Request can be cancelled at any point of time by setting the status to Cancelled.
Inspection Request screen…
Search Inspection Inspection Requests in the database can be searched using this screen. Orders can be looked up on the basis of a number of criteria like Consumer Number, From Date and To Date, Inspection Number, Inspection Type, Inspection Status, Inspection Area etc. Providing two or more of the above inputs greatly refines the Search results. In the Search Results table displayed as result, the Inspection Number remain hyper linked and clicking on each entry shows the details of the Complaint in a View/Modify Inspection Request screen.
Hyperlinked Inspection No.
Thank You 18