The Census/ACS: Promoting Inclusion & Equity Engaging Regional Associations in Census 2020 – Midwest Convening November 1, 2016
How we got to where we are. New Policy Framework Promote philanthropy and charitable giving Promote prosperity through inclusion and equity Adopted policy position. Democracy-building and civic engagement Capacity development. Joined FCCP & became visible Relationships and engagement. Retreat, FCCP convening & local partners Leadership and advocacy. Policy, advocacy organization & resources
Key Partner and Resource Adopted policy position. Democracy-building and civic engagement Capacity development. Joined FCCP & became visible Relationships and engagement. Retreat, FCCP convening & local partners Leadership and advocacy. Policy, advocacy organization & resources Minnesota State Demographer Susan Brower
What’s the goal? Promote prosperity through inclusion and equity. Preserve and strengthen democratic systems and civic engagement Promote inclusion and equity through full participation in the decennial Census and American Community Survey to ensure fair representation and allocation of resources, and access to complete and reliable data to support community engagement, planning and economic development.
Outcomes Promote prosperity through inclusion and equity.
Activities Policy Technical capacity Targeted communication Outreach
Activities Mobilizing full participation in the 2020 Census.
Activities Federal State Mobilizing full participation in the 2020 Census. Federal Policy & funding State Staff (tech & outreach) Communication strategy (plan & implementation)
Activities Mobilizing full participation in the 2020 Census.
Activities MN for the American Comm Survey PPC / MCF Board Democracy Working Group Advocacy Planning Deploy $ MCF CEO Circle Census Mobilization Partnership
Activities Mobilizing full participation in the 2020 Census.
Apportionment & Redistricting