Philadelphia Known as the city of Brotherly love Pennsylvania Colony Philadelphia Known as the city of Brotherly love Middle Colonies
King Charles II of England Owed a large amount of money to Admiral Penn 1681 – King Charles II gave Penn’s son, William, a large piece of land in North America Land was called Pennsylvania, which means “Penn’s Woods”
William Penn He was a Quaker Wanted everyone to live in peace Equal rights for all Religions Men and Women What rights do we have?
Quakers Pennsylvania was home to the Society of Friends (Quakers) Pacifists – against war No formal services
Received their name because of shaking during religious services Quakers Christian group Did not believe in ministers or churches Held meetings where members sat quietly Spoke only if the Spirit moved them Received their name because of shaking during religious services
Relationship with Native Americans Friendly relations Bought land from the Native Americans, did not take it Created fair treaties Treated as equals
William Penn received land from King Penn created Pennsylvania for freedom of religion Settled by Quakers Wanted to practice their faith without interference Tolerated all religious beliefs Bought land from Native Americans