The first successful British colony in North America was:
Bacon’s Rebellion resulted from Nathaniel Bacon’s sympathy with the problems faced by:
English settlers on the frontier
What was the name of the system used in Virginia beginning in 1618 under which anyone who paid for their own passage to Virginia received 50 acres of land?
Headright System
Of the following colonies which did not practice religious tolerance? Pennsylvania, New Amsterdam, Virginia, Massachusetts
What colony did Roger Williams found after he was kicked out of the Puritan Massachusetts colony?
Rhode Island
What was the name of the first representative legislative body in the New World?
Virginia’s House of Burgesses
What was the name of the Native American leader who led a war against the colonists of the Massachusetts Bay area?
Metacom aka King Philip
Who founded the colony of Pennsylvania?
William Penn
In 1619, the Dutch were the first to introduce what to the colonists at Jamestown?
What was used by Puritan ministers to encourage church membership after it steeply declined at the end of the 1600s?
The Halfway Covenant
What event was caused by extreme religious faith, stress from a growing population, bad relations with Native Americans, & the narrow opportunities for women and girls to participate in Puritan society?
The Salem Witch Trials
The French settlements in the New World, like Quebec, became centers for what economic activity?
Fur Trading
Because of its harbor and river systems this settlement (& eventual colony) not only became a major commercial hub, but one of the biggest cities in the British colonies.
New York
Its chief significance was that it is useful in examining the origins of constitutional government in colonial America.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
This man’s “Holy Experiment” included all of the following: Nonviolence (pacifism) Fair treatment of Native Americans A Refuge for Quakers Religious toleration
William Penn
A document in which the Pilgrims agreed to be bound by the will of the majority.
Mayflower Compact
Another name for the pilgrims who settled at Plymouth led by William Bradford.