3rd Nordic Marketing Conference, Workshop Report Training the Staff with an Orientation for Growing Professionalism, Efficiency and Results in Building Customer Relations
Participants of the workshop Lars Berglöf SCB Ms. Lotte Buchbjerg Petersen DSt Lars-Gunnar Strand SCB Sirkka Sundman SF Sara Tolkki SF
Main Topics Discussed How will the structure of the organisation support CRM? The commitment of the top management is a critical success factor How can we change the attitude towards selling: not only staff who work directly with the customers, but all the other statisticians?
Main Topics Discussed How to develop the attitudes at all levels of the organisation (especially the directors’ and the heads’) to be more customer oriented? The training should not be 100 % voluntary: it should be everyone’s duty to develop one’s customer skills. Internal training should be more systematic
Main Topics Discussed Learning from the customers: Focus group interviews, workshops Analysing and discussing previous cases/projects (both failures and successes) The middle management are important players in encouraging both “traditional statisticians” and the customer oriented staff
Main Topics Discussed What can we learn from the private sector, and other Central Statistical Offices in the Nordic and Baltic countries? in other countries?