An Invitation to Sociology Chapter 1 An Invitation to Sociology
Vocabulary Words and definitions on the study guide are in the same order as the chapter in the book.
Sociology The scientific study of social structure based on facts! Groups not individuals A group, rather than individual PERSPECTIVE A particular point of view Drawing activity Sociological perspective - ????
PATTERNS Every student and teacher has a pattern – creature of habit The patterned interaction of people in social relationships is social structure What are some of your patterns??
Why do people conform? Peer pressure? Society? Religion? Read pg 10 Why do people conform? “Conformity - Group Speak” video Peer pressure? Society? Religion? Caught in the moment? Penn State video
How do we escape conformity? Sociological imagination – the ability to see the link between society and self Making decisions based on what is best for you at the time and knowing what YOU want. College Values
Auguste Comte Positivism Social statics Social dynamics
Harriet Martineau
Herbert Spencer Social Darwinism – not a vocabulary word but be familiar with the concept
Karl Marx Bourgeoisie Capitalists Proletariat Class conflict
Emile Durkheim
Max Weber Verstehen Rationalization – add both to vocabulary list and be familiar with the usage
Jane Addams
William Edward Burghardt W.E.B DuBois
Theoretical Perspective ADD TO YOUR LIST! Theory A set of assumptions accepted as true Pg 24
Functionalism Approach that emphasizes the contributions made by each part of society Assumes that changes and upheavals in social structure and society will become stable and the norm. A nuclear family after the Industrial Revolution.
Dysfunction Negative aspect of an aspect of society Are there any dysfunctional parts of society that you can think of ??
Conflict Perspective Approach emphasizing the role of conflict, competition, and constraint within a society Power is the ability to control others Examples of conflict perspective?
Symbolic Interaction Symbols are anything that stands for something else and has an agreed upon meaning attached to it Flags? Stoplights? Hand gestures and greetings? Asian culture….
Dramaturgy Approach that depicts human interaction as theatrical performances Presenting yourself through dress, gestures, tone of voice Teenagers – Awkward stage…