Background konwledge 14~16C Reformation 16C Anabaptist begun with the Radical Reformers
Origin Swtzerland; Ulrich Zwingli South Germany; Andeas Karlstadt, Hans Hut, Hans Denck The Low Countries(Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg); Melchior Hoffman
Representatives Thomas Munzer: 1489-1525 Hutter, Menno, Ammann
Main events The Kingdom of Munster (1533~1535, Jan Matthys) Swiss Brethren (1525, George Blaurock, else) The Mennonites (late 1600s, Menno Simons) The Amish (after 1693, Jacob Ammann)
The Hutterites (Jakob Hutter) 1660, Martyrs Mirror published
Now... 1681, Pennsylvania, William Penn Dates of 2015: Amish about 30,000 Mennonites 260,000 Hutteteries 20,000
Influences Promoted the seperation of church and state Voluntary church menbership and believer`s baptism