Cyber Monday Membership Campaign Chelsea Kari Associate Director, Member Services University of Oregon Alumni Association
The deal: 25 percent off Regular Recent Grad Individual Annual $41.25 Joint Annual $48.75 Individual Life $562.50 Joint Life $750 Individual Annual $26.25 Joint Annual $33.75 Individual Life $281.25 Joint Life $375 Golden Faculty/Staff 25 percent off all memberships excluding 3-year Individual Annual $22.50 Joint Annual $30 Individual Life $281.25 Joint Life $375 Individual Annual $33.75 Joint Annual $41.25 Individual Life $450 Joint Life $600
Parents of Recent Grads Email Promotion Non-Members Regular Recent Grad Golden Faculty/Staff Annual Members Faculty Staff Parents of Recent Grads Target Audiences Created three emails for the three different audiences Then for non-members we broke the audiences out farther depending on their member rate
Email 1: 10 Days Out Cyber Monday graphic designed by student worker Variable copy and photo depending on audience (nine versions in total) We highlighted different benefits for the different age groups Recent grads care more about our discounts and the opportunity to shop at Nike and Columbia Employee Stores Golden grads like the Oregon Quarterly magazine and our travel program With parents we highlight the Duck Career Network and the different career programming recent grads can take advantage of
Email 2: Midnight on Cyber Monday We used separate appeal codes for each version of the email, so we could see how they all performed Total of 78,248 emails sent
Social Media Promotion Facebook 18 Total Paid Ads Starting 10 days prior to Cyber Monday Three new posts every other day targeting three different audiences 25 and under 26-65 65 and older Three posts on day of Cyber Monday Twitter 1 paid twitter ad that remained up for 10 days leading up to Cyber Monday A new tweet on day of Cyber Monday Posts were shared on main UO account
Sample Posts Also variable pictures and messaging Planned to drop different posts depending on day of the week: Duck Career Network post boosted on Sunday and Monday, when work week is getting started Posts about giving back with pictures of family posted over Thanksgiving Post about football ticket benefit posted on day of Civil War Game Posts on Cyber Monday linked to join page on our website Got several hundred likes for each post- the career networking post got the most likes with 836 Young alumni engaged most with Duck Career Network post followed by the Nike and Columbia Store post Golden alumni engaged most with “Keep your bond with the UO as strong as the bond with your family”
Social Media Results 141,079 views between Facebook and Twitter 61,358 were young alumni and fans Total engagement rate of 4.6% 5,479 likes on Facebook 4.6% rate Alumni 24-65 had engagement rate of 5.2% Alumni 65+ had engagement rate of 3.3%
Web Promotion We made the Cyber Monday the first image on our home page rotator Cyber Monday-ified join page, so every rate had the Cyber Monday image To the right, we had all of the rates listed, and we had a description of the Cyber Monday deal at the top of the page Basically, anyone who visited our website on the day of Cyber Monday would see that we had the discount going on Join page got 438 clicks on Cyber Monday We set up promo codes in iModules on each of the different membership forms and manually activated and de-activated them In addition to appeal code for each email, we had an appeal code for people who joined through the website (included people directed from social media and volunteer outreach)
Other Promotion Volunteer outreach Inclusion in other communications Chapters Board members Inclusion in other communications Chapter event invitation emails Featured in “Around the O” article Student call center Recent grad parents Sent chapter leaders and board members a template email to use, and asked them to share our posts throughout the week before Thanksgiving Students called recent grad parents (classes of 2013 through 2016) Not as successful as we would have wanted- only five life memberships, and lots of annoyance
Results 331 memberships (404 members) $76,419.60 in revenue 161 life memberships 101 upgrades, 60 new life memberships 28 life memberships purchased by parents of recent grads $76,419.60 in revenue Web vs. email 96 memberships came in through website 235 came through emails .3% overall response rate Highest email response rate was email to annual members at the regular rate (1.63%) and then the parent email (1.1%)
Takeaways Segmented messaging works Good to promote ahead of time Combination of social media and email effective Parents not the right segment for calling Hard to engage chapters Experiment with copy “It’s not too late!” email In years we did the discount without segmentation FY15: 61 memberships FY14: 123 memberships Best thing about calling not memberships acquired but caller excitement about UOAA- they all get life memberships on Cyber Monday once they graduate Need to give chapters greater incentive for promoting Next year we might do an A/B split to see if amount of copy makes a difference Next year we’re going to send a second email towards the end of the day as a reminder