ATT Connect Call – September 8, 2011 Welcome to the Unity Identity Project
Agenda Welcome and Prayer Introduction of Call Presenters Update on Branding Activities Print Vendor update Web Vendor Info Q & A Next Steps
World Day of Prayer
Introduction of Unity Worldwide Ministry Staff Debbie Allen Branding Coordinator John Lombardo Media Specialist Joanna Carrell Graphic Specialist Kristen Preud’homme Communications Director Possibly Toni and Phil’s pictures Support Representatives Paula Coppel VP Communications, from Unity Village 4
Update on Branding Activities Facebook participation is growing! Get connected with the wisdom of your peers Participate in conversations Ask questions Share your wisdom Post New Signs Debbie After the call with Paul Ray the branded facebook page really lit up with great conversations and questions. This is the perfect place to connect with the wisdom of your peers. Please feel free to join, ask questions, share your wisdom and get clarity. Unity of Merced has a fantastic new sign. So please post your signs on Facebook and please send to me for our wall here at the home office. Unity in Merced, California
Print Vendor - MiPrintShop New items: Name tags and Polo T-Shirts Introducing Group Buy Option Offering group savings as ministries purchase together. A launch email will be sent out mid September from MiPrintShop through Debbie Allen. Long sleeve T-Shirt Black or white with special pricing Postcard with special pricing Lapel pin (circle) with special pricing Magnet with buy one get one free pricing Release Date is Sept 14th with a reminder going our Sept 21 and then a final notice going out October 10th. The cutoff date is Oct 14th. Long sleeve T-Shirt Black or white with special pricing Postcard with special pricing Pin with special pricing Magnet with buy one get one free pricing That gives us some good items quickly. We will always want to keep in a clothing item, a print item, a jewelry item and an item such as bookmark, magnet or small item. When the special Christmas U group buy we will have 8 items. Lots of the jewelry and clothing options. Then the last month of the year will be items like letterhead, envelopes and such that can be purchased for the entire year of 2012 and possibly some donor inside the church would take the next years supplies on to purchase those for the Dec 31 tax deduction that is available.
Web Vendor – OneEach Technologies Phil Chadwick Co-owner of OneEach Technologies Tony Finneman Co-owner of OneEach Technologies Stacy Fabian Project Manager from OneEach Technologies Nicole Finneman Project Manager from OneEach Technologies
Web Vendor - Information Sign up now available! You can sign up immediately for your new website. Simply go to: Click where it says “Sign Up Now!” Fill in the form And you’re good to go! Date available to start sign up
Features E-Newsletter connection Online fundraising Video, blogging, opinion polls, podcasts/audio/MP3 Calendar: Event information and registration Event & class registration/management Fresh content: articles, & Dailyword Shopping cart Image/ photo album Functionality: Top navigation, menu items, maximum number Banner (automatically rotating, optional?) Automatic content stream of: articles,, and DailyWord Email hosting Center directory on-line, with login? Live-streaming Accommodate MP3 recordings Newsletters Interactive calendar of event? Blog template like WordPress? Visit site, link to visit site features What can be done to get ready? Will there be beta-testing? Cost Web handout
Features 5 GB disk space, 50 GB data transfer per month 500 POP3 email accounts Domain registration Google Analytics/Web traffic statistics Social media integration Multiple administrator accounts Free training 24/7 technical support
Sample Home Page Top navigation menu items Banners Functionality: Top navigation menu items The number of menu items across the top are not limited by number rather they are limited by space. You can have more short-name tabs than long-name tabs. Banners Rotating banners are standard. You can have a fixed banner but you’ll have to specify Automatic Content Syndication RSS feeds of any kind: and DailyWord Email Hosting 500 POP 3 accounts included Ministry Member Directory Streaming Video Post videos for playback anytime Audio Post MP3 for downloading anytime Newsletters Publish e-Newsletters for distribution via Constant Contact® or MailChimp® Interactive calendar Church members can - click on an event - find more information about the event - register for the event Blogging Blogging is integrated into the website No separate application required
Embedded Video Top navigation menu items Banners Functionality: Top navigation menu items The number of menu items across the top are not limited by number rather they are limited by space. You can have more short-name tabs than long-name tabs. Banners Rotating banners are standard. You can have a fixed banner but you’ll have to specify Automatic Content Syndication RSS feeds of any kind: Unity.FM and DailyWord Email Hosting 500 POP 3 accounts included Ministry Member Directory Streaming Video Post videos for playback anytime Audio Post MP3 for downloading anytime Newsletters Publish e-Newsletters for distribution via Constant Contact® or MailChimp® Interactive calendar Church members can - click on an event - find more information about the event - register for the event Blogging Blogging is integrated into the website No separate application required
Fundraising Page Top navigation menu items Banners Functionality: Top navigation menu items The number of menu items across the top are not limited by number rather they are limited by space. You can have more short-name tabs than long-name tabs. Banners Rotating banners are standard. You can have a fixed banner but you’ll have to specify Automatic Content Syndication RSS feeds of any kind: and DailyWord Email Hosting 500 POP 3 accounts included Ministry Member Directory Streaming Video Post videos for playback anytime Audio Post MP3 for downloading anytime Newsletters Publish e-Newsletters for distribution via Constant Contact® or MailChimp® Interactive calendar Church members can - click on an event - find more information about the event - register for the event Blogging Blogging is integrated into the website No separate application required
Calendar and Events Top navigation menu items Banners Functionality: Top navigation menu items The number of menu items across the top are not limited by number rather they are limited by space. You can have more short-name tabs than long-name tabs. Banners Rotating banners are standard. You can have a fixed banner but you’ll have to specify Automatic Content Syndication RSS feeds of any kind: and DailyWord Email Hosting 500 POP 3 accounts included Ministry Member Directory Streaming Video Post videos for playback anytime Audio Post MP3 for downloading anytime Newsletters Publish e-Newsletters for distribution via Constant Contact® or MailChimp® Interactive calendar Church members can - click on an event - find more information about the event - register for the event Blogging Blogging is integrated into the website No separate application required
Shopping Cart Product View
Getting Ready 1. Order your website TODAY 2. Begin writing your content i.e. About Us page 3. Build and organize your other site content - Photographs - Graphics - Audio - Video
Temporary Domain Prior to Live Date - Content uploading - Functionality testing - Support people standing by to help
Online Demonstrations Please join OneEach on one of these dates: Thursday, September 15 at 6:00 p.m. CDT (Best for those on the East coast, Eastern Time Zone) Tuesday, September 27 at 9:00 p.m. CDT (Best for those on the West coast, Pacific Time Zone) Tuesday, October 11th at 12:00 noon CDT Visit: for information
Q & A Any additional questions and comments?
Next Steps Join Facebook group, go to Questions: Contact Debbie Allen at or call 816.434.6831 Next call October 13 at 3:00 CT, a new invitation will come from “Unity Three” Step forward knowing this will take time Debbie Join Facebook Contact Debbie if you have questions. Our next ATT Connect Call meeting, will be October 13, 3:00 CT. We will send out an email invitation for the call from “Unity 3”. This is Branding is a process, not a landmark. Chuck Pettis shared with us “I see the Unity evolving over time and growing. We don't get to be adults instantly - we have to be a child first! Things take time and that is good. Patience is a virtue.”
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