Newcastle Future Needs Assessment Wellbeing and health open forum, 13 October 2011
What is NFNA? A shared basis for identifying policy priorities, underpinning decision-making and targeting resources Supported by definitive, shared data and evidence For Newcastle, not just Newcastle City Council
What will it include? Everything – but focused on issues we can collectively influence A wide range of information to assist the process of understanding what's happening and developing priorities together (focused on the Local Information System) Thought processes and applied experience and judgement – the essence of needs assessment is not the evidence, it’s what we do with the evidence
What are the benefits? Proportionately greater benefits for genuine priorities Information, evidence and thinking shared across partners in new ways Better understanding of roles and impacts of all partners Structured use of qualitative information New relationships between actions and impacts More than the sum of its parts
How will it be structured? Based on a “life course” approach to ensure it is people focused Set in the context of place – neighbourhoods, wards, the city Tiered approach Cross-cutting, headline level Service-specific, operational level Web-based with downloadable products
Who will be involved? Council PCT Clinical Commissioning Groups Universities Newcastle College VCS Police Fire & Rescue Newcastle Partnership
What could the VCS contribute? Data and information Community intelligence Case studies and stories Experience of what actually works (or doesn’t work) and “ground truth”
How could the VCS benefit? Improved access to evidence, analysis and assessment Improved understanding of VCS role and contribution via case studies etc “Upstream” involvement in prioritising and shaping interventions Through contribution of evidence Through membership of the NFNA Board
What is the timetable? Relatively long-term Variable by area of activity Existing needs assessment work Statutory requirements Initial products should begin to be available spring 2012
Group discussion What lessons from the JSNA process can we apply to NFNA to help enable VCS involvement? How would VCS organisations prefer to get involved? What would people like to get out of NFNA?