Leveraging Business, Technical and IT Procurement for Effective Outcomes Policy – Information Governance Guidance Business – e-Records & e-Discovery Procurement – Procure & Contract Technology – Enterprise Architecture ECM IPMA - Leveraging the Business, Technical and IT Procurement Connection for Effective Outcomes -- Gartner, DES, SOS, DFI Panel: Linda Cohen, Dave Kirk, Leslie Koziara, and Becci Riley Moderator: Ginny Schenck
Know the Business Problem to Solve
Involve the right people Users Administrators Mgmt. Easy to Store Easy to Find Breakthrough Principles ECM Secure/ Reliable Defensible Disposition Records Managers IT Establish multi-agency, multi-disciplinary teams, to complete key deliverables; Teams conduct their work in parallel Teams collaborate and improve materials as they gather input from agencies Easy to Disclose Easy to Collaborate Process Improvement Security Legal Public Disclosure
Take a Collaborative Approach Establish multi-agency, multi-disciplinary teams, to complete key deliverables; Teams conduct their work in parallel Teams collaborate and improve materials as they gather input from agencies
Sourcing Strategies & Best Practices Key issue: What new actions are necessary to advance multisourcing? 1 Business Alignment Goal: Improved business focus and value Relationship Integration 2 Goal: Alignment, flexibility, and reduced management costs Service Integration 3 Goal: End-to-end service, reduce waste, and reduce delivery risk When the sourcing strategy has been established, create a clear plan of action to move to an optimized environment. Gartner recommends a four-step approach: Business alignment: Establish the principles for effective performance management. Identify performance measures that correlate with business metrics, collect data and benchmark actual performance, and establish the business principles that will drive behaviors in the overall relationship. Relationship integration: Establish effective co-management, evaluate trust and control, and review established contracts for relationship inhibitors. Service integration: Build the process network (that is, the network of service delivery practices and the role of the service providers in those practices), analyze the value chain for weak links and integration issues, and define and establish OLAs between service providers or towers were necessary. Performance measurement: Establish key operational metrics and operate a trial run for between 30 and 90 days; fine tune and review data sources; focus people and metrics to critical hand-off points; build an integrated "SWAT team" to deal with issues; and baseline, monitor and communicate achieved improvements. Performance Measurement 4 Goal: Visibility and proactive improvement © 2013 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.