M. Oveissi, D. Eckard*, A. Rose+, B. Shneiderman+, G. W. Rubloff Semiconductor Manufacturing Education and Training: Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design Issues M. Oveissi, D. Eckard*, A. Rose+, B. Shneiderman+, G. W. Rubloff Institute for Systems Research and +Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory University of Maryland Industrial Partners: - CVC Products, Inc. - Visual Solutions, Inc. Supported by NSF (EEC-9526147) * North Carolina State University 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Research Objective To develop, demonstrate, and validate a new approach to semiconductor manufacturing education and training realistic representation of time-dependent equipment and process behavior dynamic simulation and visualization active, hands-on learning experience To assess and refine this approach for a broad range of student skills manufacturing operators undergraduate and graduate students practicing engineers 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Design Issues Reusability Visualization GUI layout DLL GUI objects Simulator objects Visualization 2-D vs. 3-D GUI layout Virtual laboratory Virtual classroom HTML based information system Lessons Warnings and errors Warning and error handling system Simulator logic HTML message generation Dynamic parameter displays Real-time changes Wide dynamic range Future Lesson Builder Learning Historian ... 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Dynamic Simulator for CVD System CVD reactor Central Wafer Handler Load Lock CVD reactor Pressure Pumps 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Compound Block Structure Second level Compound Block Dynamic Simulator: mathematical hierarchy reflecting physics and chemistry VisSim Window of a Block-Diagram Compound Block Structure Simulator Features: Reflect reality of chemistry & physics Represent behavior of: equipment processes sensor control systems Execute simulations in real-time: 1 sec (simul) = 1 sec actual response to learner actions is realistic Second level Compound Block 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Evolution of Cluster Tool GUI 2-D Simulator engine as GUI SIH4 N2 3-D Initial GUI for education and training Current GUI for education and training 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Simulator Module Architecture VisSim simulator, running CVD system model .dll Software Link Visual Basic / Delphi graphical user interface 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Three Distinct Development Environments Cluster GUI Nile GUI Pump System GUI GUI .DLL .DLL .DLL DLL (general.dll) Simulator Cluster Simulator Nile Simulator Pump System Simulator Same architecture and DLL used for different projects - semiconductor processing, hydrology, and vacuum technology 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
GUI Layout in a Learning Environment Virtual Laboratory (cluster tool system accessible to learner) Virtual Classroom (HTML load lock description) 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Warning and Error Messages Simulator structure designed to trap warning and error conditions Generate error code number from simulator Transfer error code number through DLL to GUI Display HTML warning/error message page appropriate to predefined warning/error condition 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Warning and Error Messages . Warning and Error Messages Problem: You are trying to pump out and vent the L/L chamber at the same time. Principles: Venting and pumping the L/L are conflicting. Venting fills the chamber with gas, while pumping removes the gas, thus wasting gas. Do one or the other at a time. The pump gate valve and vent valve should not be open simultaneously! Example Resume Help 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Dynamic Parameter Displays 2.1 -5 E-5 2.1*10-5 Pointer with range bar From Visual Basic From VisSim Simulator 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
Simulator Module Evolution Simulator Engine Physically focussed Continuously improved Increasing Physical Sophistication of Engine Simulator Engine Physically focussed Continuously improved Simulator Engine Physically focussed Continuously improved Learner Interface NOVICE OPERATOR User focussed Multiple versions Learner Interface SEASONED OPERATOR User focussed Multiple versions Flexible Software Link Learner Interface NEW ENGINEER User focussed Multiple versions Learner Interface EXPERT ENGINEER User focussed Multiple versions Increasing User Skills 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt
SUMMARY Dynamic software simulators enable real-time, hands-on experiences for active learning based on physical reality responding in real time frames Enhanced visualization and animation through GUI’s further facilitate learning Commercial software platforms enable the required software integration Visual Basic/C++ <==> DLL <==> VisSim simulator Separation of “operator screen” from “simulator engine” permits independent improvements in each enables the learner to progress through a sequence of experiences with increasingly sophisticated screens and material Modularization provides independencies provides reusability 9/22/2018 AVS97.MET.ppt