Alex Brown Cory Haugh Ajmer Dwivedi Bonitron HVAC Alex Brown Cory Haugh Ajmer Dwivedi
Software Progress RS-232 programmed on microcontroller Updated GUI interface Includes countdown timers requested by Bonitron Tested GUI with microcontroller and shown to be functional Website fully updated
Hardware Progress PCB has been ordered and will send request for funding from Bonitron Parts list was emailed Friday but also have hard copy here to order 2nd set of components While waiting for parts plan on contacting Bonitorn to receive any help they are willing to give with soldering Contacted Professor Watai to discuss avoiding electrostatic damage.
Plan for this week Go though old documentation to check circuit schematics Add in new components to make the circuitry schematics complete Change documentation replacing FPGA inputs and outputs to show the input and output pins for the microcontroller Continue microcontroller work