Finnish Literature Society's open access project Project-coordinator Niklas Alén,
Finnish Literature Society's open access project The Finnish Literature Society’s open access publishing programme. The Finnish Literature Society’s open access publication platform. The library consortium Aleksandria. 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project Open access publishing: Publishing free of charge peer-reviewed research on the internet (removal of the price barrier) and under an open license (lowering of the permission barrier). Evolved from a scholar-led initiative to internationally recognized form of publishing (i.e. EU recommendations, member-state initiatives). Gold open access: the publication is published directly in open access. Green open access: a version of the publication is uploaded to an online repository. 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project Potential benefits of open access improved: Dissemination Visibility Availability Impact A Map showing geographically the monthly readership of the open access publisher Open Book Publishers. 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project Open access funding models: The book processing charge 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project Open access funding models: The book processing charge The Freemium-model 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project Open access funding models: The book processing charge The Freemium-model Consortium-model 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project SKS open access project Phase 1 Began in 1.11.2014 Charted the national and international open access situation, opportunities and challenges of open access monograph publishing, charted the economic boundary conditions of open access publishing. OA-report: ulkaiseminen_raportti2015.pdf 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project SKS open access project Phase 2 Implementation of plans, piloting of a new open access funding model, promotion of SKS open access programme 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project SKS open access programme Studia Fennica -series (consists of 6 sub-series; Studia Fennica Anthropologica, Ethnologica, Folkloristica, Historica, Linguistica, Litteraria). Publication began in 1933, Finnish Publication Forum ranking: 2. Open access editions in PDF- and EPUB-formats. Printed books through print-on-demand. Publication does not depend on Book Processing Fees. If the author or author group have reserved research funds for open access publishing, then we recommend them to participate in the costs with a 6 000 euro book processing fee. 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project SKS open access programme All other series will be published in print. Upon author or author group request open access option for a BPF of 6 000 €. All books in the programme licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND. 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project Library consortium Aleksandria SKS and Helsinki University Library pilot project Consortium open to all libraries 10 Finnish language academic books by SKS 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project Publications offered to the library consortium 1 Publication to be released in 2017 2017 2 3 4 Kaarninen, Mervi (et al.): Kaupunki tapahtumien näyttämönä 2016 5 Haapala, Arto (et al.): Ympäristö, estetiikka ja hyvinvointi 6 Soikkeli, Markku: Tuttua lemmentouhua 7 Castrén, M. A.: Luentoja suomalaisesta mytologiasta 8 Antila, Jaakko Olavi: Kansankirkko ristipaineessa 2014 9 Hellman, Heikki: Koko illan ilo? Kolmoskanava ja television kaupallistuminen Suomessa 2012 10 Tiitta, Allan: Sinisten maisemien mies. J.G. Granön tutkijantie 1882-1956 2010 22.9.2018
Finnish Literature Society's open access project Library consortium Aleksandria SKS and Helsinki University Library pilot project Consortium open to all libraries 10 Finnish language academic books by SKS Thank You. Contact:, +358 40 5342614 22.9.2018