Surveying The purpose of surveying was to measure the distance, elevation, and the location of the well. In order to get a numerical lay of the land, we implemented the services of the transent and protractor. Click left mouse button to advance presentation.
Water Table Contours We integrated the use of topographic contour maps as a visual aid tool. They contain information on the elevations of landforms in the area as well as key features.
Flow Direction Normally, water usually flows into a pond from higher to lower elevations. In the case illustrated by this chart however, the water flows out the pond.
Conclusions By surveying, we were able to investigate and analyze the physical environment of the ground level. Through careful examination of the geographic properties of the water table contours, we were able to hypothesize the slope of the underground well. We were able to conclude that the flow direction doesn’t always coincide with the lay of the land.
ELK Productions Eric Liu Lonnie McMillan Kim Wysocki Return to presentation page.