By: Sajjad Kooliyat and Rohan Sood Nikola Tesla By: Sajjad Kooliyat and Rohan Sood
Who was Nikola Tesla Famous Inventor Popularized AC power systems Worked towards Free Wireless Power Designed the Niagara Falls Hydro Plant Dropped out of University
Tesla vs Edison Working together DC vs AC $50,000 deal gone wrong Edison Machine Works DC generator DC vs AC $50,000 deal gone wrong Nobel Prize
Mad Scientist? Sleep Deprivation Gambling Addiction Pigeon Feeding Would work up to 72 hours in a row Slept for 2 hours a day Gambling Addiction Would spend up to 48 hours in a row at a table Pigeon Feeding Spent up to $2,000 healing one pigeon
AC power and the Induction Motor Designed the Induction Motor Used magnetic fields to avoid friction Created the universally used power system Safer and more efficient that DC power
Wireless Power Colorado Springs Wardenclyffe