Crime & Punishment By Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Let’s Begin! The Schedule: *Subject to change due to Snow Days. Part 1 (pages 1-77) : due by Monday, January 9 / Class Discussion Leaders ___________ Part 2 (pages 79-169): due Tuesday, January 17 / Class Discussion Leaders ___________ Parts 3/4 (pages 169-304): due Monday, January 23 / Class Discussion Leaders _______ Parts 5/6 (pages 305-462): due Monday, January 30 / Class Discussion Leaders ______ There will be a quiz for each section! So don’t fall behind in your reading!
Who is Fyodor Dostoevsky? Born in Moscow in 1821 St. Petersburg Academy of Military Engineering Experiences as a boy influenced his political opinions Prison Time Siberia labor camp Physical , Philosophical, and Moral Changes Sub lieutenant Family Life: Married x2 / Guardian Success of Crime and Punishment Other Works: The Idiot (1868) and The Brothers Karamazov (1880) Death
19th Century Russia: Upheaval, Political Uncertainty , War Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815 “Peter the Great” Czars Nicholas I and Alexander II Nihilists… say what?
Merging Philosophies: Nihilism: An extreme form of skepticism that denies all existence. A doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. A revolutionary movement of mid 19th- century Russia that scorned authority and tradition and believed in reason, materialism, and radical change in society and government through terrorism and assassination. It rejected family and societal bonds and emotional and aesthetic concerns in favor of a strict materialism, or the idea that there is no “mind” or “soul” outside of the physical world. Utilitarianism: The idea that moral decisions should be based on the rule of the greatest happiness for the largest number of people. Guiding Question: Can evil means justify honorable ends? How does Raskolnikov portray both of these philosophies?
More than ONE crime… Hmmmm…The Russian word for ‘crime’ is prestuplenie from pre (across) and stuplenie (a stepping ) – i.e. similar to the etymology of the English ‘trans-gression.’ This sense of ‘stepping across’ a barrier or a moral code is missing from the word ‘crime.’ The novel contains many examples of crime or transgression: Raskolnikov, Sonya, Luzhin, Svidrigailov - All of these characters engage in transgressions as a means to an end. Where do we see these transgressions in our community?
Monthly serial in a Russian literary journal (1866) Purpose? Topics for Themes: Primary, Minor, Latent In this novel… Dostoevsky brings to a high pitch the intellectual and emotional conflicts of human beings. Raskolnikov’s way of thinking, his sense of superiority over other human beings, is brilliantly dramatized at the same time that Dostoevsky reveals his isolation, his moral vacuity, and his inability, despite possessing great intellect, to attain a sense of humanity. In this novel… Dostoevsky profoundly questions the value of human intellect apart from emotional, indeed religious, feelings.
Major Components of the Novel Sacrifice: Suffering: Moral Standards: Allusion - Lazarus
Crime and Punishment: Setting St. Petersburg The capital of the Russian Empire Founded by Peter the Great Russia’s ‘window into Europe.’ To the Russian eye, there was something terrifyingly artificial about this beautiful, watery, and haunted city. Cramped poverty, disease, and crime resulting from rapid urbanization Literally built on swampland and by means of forced labor. Recurrent and devastating floods could easily seem like nature’s own revenge on the lofty architecture and aesthetic layout of the city’s canals and streets.
Plot Structure: Parts I-III: present the predominantly rational and proud Raskolnikov the progressive death of the first ruling principle of his character *point of change in the middle of the novel Parts IV-VI: the emerging "irrational" and humble Raskolnikov progressive birth of the new ruling principle
What’s up with these names? Naming Traditions: The middle name of all male characters end in "ovitch" and of all female characters in "ovna." This ending simply means "son of" or "daughter of" the father whose first name is converted into their middle name and is called a patronymic. For example, Rodya and Dunya's father was named Roman Raskolnikov. Thus, Rodya's middle name Rodion Romanovitch means son of Roman and Dunya's middle name, Avdotya Romanovna, means daughter of Roman. Pronunciation: The Russian letter ‘x’ is ‘kh’ pronounced as in ‘loch’ or ‘khan’ and are usually translated as ‘h’ or ‘ch’. ‘zh’ sounds rather like the ‘s’ in leisure’; ‘y’ as a vowel is like the ‘short i’ in ‘mid’; the final ‘v’ is pronounced ‘f’. Significance: Dostoevsky often used names significantly or mischievously; I have included their meaning at the end of each reference.
Say hello to the Raskolnikov Family! from raskol (schism, break asunder) Our Protagonist: Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov (ROH-dyon roh-MAH-noh-vihch ras- KOL-nih-kov): called Rodya, a psychologically complex young law student who murders not for wealth but as an experiment, to see if he is one of those who can circumvent society’s restrictions. Impoverished and weakened by illness and hunger, he decides to rid society of a worthless person in order to preserve his genius for posterity, to relieve his devoted mother and sister from compromising themselves, and to prove that he is above conscience.
Say hello to the Raskolnikov Family! His Sister: Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikov (ahv-DOT-yah roh-MAH-nov-nah), called Dounia (DEW-nyah): Raskolnikov’s younger sister who has aided in her mother’s effort to make something of her brother through working and skimping. She plans to marry a wealthy lawyer, Luzhin, for her family. A mirror of her mother’s fortitude and faith, Dounia is the beautiful, impoverished, clear- sighted savior of her family. His Mom: Pulcheria (pewl- CHEH-ryah) Alexandrovna (ah-lehk-SAHN-drov-nah) Raskolnikov: his long- suffering mother, whose faith in her son sustains her but whose mind gives way under the strain of his deed and guilt. A handsome, middle-aged woman of distinction, a widow who has supported her family and urged her son to make his way in life; Pulcheria is a study of motherhood thwarted, a woman tortured by her inability to fathom her favorite’s depravity.
Meet the Marmeladov Family… from marmelad (jam, jelly) Semyon Zaharovitch Mar-mela-dov: drunkard and ex-government clerk Polina (Polenka) Marmeladov: Katrina’s daughter From Greek for ‘wisdom’ Sofya (Sonya) Semyonovna Marmeladov (soh- FYAH seh-MYOH-nov-nah mahr-meh- LAH-dov): the daughter of a drunken clerk and stepdaughter of the high-strung Katerina Ivanovna. From gratitude, the benevolent though soiled child of the streets comforts the murderer and supports him in his transgressions so that he finally will confess. Forced to support her father, her stepmother, and their three children, she remains unsullied, and her spirit transcends these morbid conditions.
Let’s toss in some attraction… from razum (reason, good sense) Dmitri Prokofitch Razumihin (DMIH-tree proh-KOH-fihch rah-zew- MEE-hihn): Raskolnikov’s devoted friend. Enamored of Dounia, he is the savior of the family honor. Like Dounia, he has all the normal responses of a generous nature and works unceasingly to discover and repair the tragic situation of his friend. Affianced to the beautiful Dounia, he founds a publishing company to aid the hapless girl, mother, and brother. He is one of the few characters with a sense of humor; his good deeds lighten a psychologically gloomy and insightful plot. (a Lithuanian Prince) Arkady Ivanovitch Svidrigailov (ahr- KAH- dee ee-VAH-noh-vihch svih-drih-GAY-lov): the sensualist in whose house Dounia had been a governess. He is both the would-be seducer and savior of Dounia. A complicated character, sometimes considered, with Raskolnikov, one of the alter egos of the writer, he is obsessed by guilt and driven by libido. Both want Dounia! Who will win?
Whenever there’s a crime… the judicial family is sure to investigate… from zametik (to take note of, notice) Alexandr Grigorievitch Zametov (Zam-e-tov): chief police clerk Fomitch Nikodim (Ni-ko-dim): chief of police Ilya Petrovich: overbearing police official Porfiry Petrovitch (pohr-FIH- ree peh-TROH-vihch): a brilliant detective more interested in the rehabilitation than the prosecution of the murderer. He is also a distant relative of Razumihin. He is somewhat disturbed and neurotic himself.
The “Minor” Characters… but they too have a part to play! from lyzhin (puddle; muddy, dirty; to be indecisive) Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin (Loo-shin): Dounia’s finance’ from lebezit (to fawn, cringe) Andrey Semyonovitch Lebeziatniknov (Le-be-ziat-ni-kov): Luzhin’s friend Amalia Ivanovna Lipevechsel (Lip-pev-echsel): Marmeladov’s landlady Marfa Petrovna Svidrigailov: Arkady’s wife Zoss-i-mov: a doctor and friend of Razumihin from dementia (Latin) Nikolay Dementyev: the painter who confesses to Raskolnikov’s crime
The “Minor” Characters… but they too have a part to play! Praskovya Pavlovna Zarnitsyna: Raskolnikov’s landlady Nastasya Petrovna: landlady’s servant Alyona Ivanovna: the old pawnbroker Lizaveta Ivanovna: pawnbroker’s simpleton sister
Psychology also plays a role… Monomania = pathological obsession with one idea or subject; intent concentration on or exaggerated enthusiasm for a single subject or idea (re: murder of pawnbroker and Lizaveta) Malaise = a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness; a general sense of depression or unease (R’s pathological condition or soul-sickness?) Ennui (Fr. boredom) = listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; boredom (sensuality as a flight from it – Svidrigaylov)
Connecting this to research… The book represents which communities? How do the characters, setting, and/or events represent chaos? Which current AND local news events are similar to these communities and/or chaos?
Customized Vocabulary Guide: Your group is responsible for skimming a part of Crime and Punishment to find unfamiliar words – these might be unfamiliar to you or words that you think someone else might not know. Briefly define each word. Group 1 = Part 1 Group 2 = Part 2 Group 3 = Part 3 Group 4 = Part 4 Group 5 = Part 5 Group 6 = Part 6 + epilogue If you don’t have the book today, you will find the entire text at the following website: Each group must email me their list by the end of the day! I will consolidate and give you the customized vocabulary guide tomorrow.
Let’s Begin! The Schedule: *Subject to change due to Snow Days. Part 1 (pages 1-77) : due by Monday, January 9 / Class Discussion Leaders ___________ Part 2 (pages 79-169): due Tuesday, January 17 / Class Discussion Leaders ___________ Parts 3/4 (pages 169-304): due Monday, January 23 / Class Discussion Leaders _______ Parts 5/6 (pages 305-462): due Monday, January 30 / Class Discussion Leaders ______ There will be a quiz for each section! So don’t fall behind in your reading!