CASAGRAS CASAGRAS: Coordination and Support Action (CSA) for Global RFID- related Activities and Standardisation Provide an incisive framework of foundation studies for EU consideration and for the development of standards and regulatory foundations that can best assist the EU executive and member states in influencing and accommodating international issues and developments concerning radio frequency identification (RFID) and the emerging 'Internet of Things". 1- AIM UK Ltd (AIM) - UK 3- YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory (YRP) - Japan 4- Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (SCIC) -China 5- AIDC UK Ltd (ECFAIDC) - UK 9- ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute -Korea 12- FEIG Electronic GmbH (FEIG) - Germany 13- ETSI - France 14- QED/ Craig Harmon (CH) - USA Project Duration = 18 months Coordinator Amanda Brooke
CASAGRAS Work packages: Standards and Procedures for International Standardisation in relation to RFID, including applications and conformance standards Regulatory issues in respect of RFID standards Global coding systems in relation to RFID standards RFID in relation to Ubiquitous Computing and Networks Functional, including sensory, developments in RFID and Associated Standards Areas of Application, existing and future, and associated Standards Socio-economic components of RFID Usage