The Spanish-American War: To begin, set up your newspaper across two pages of your notebook as shown below.
The Spanish-American War: You will now use your handout of photos to create a mock newspaper summarizing the events. You will be creating the front page of a newspaper using images cut from the handout and making up your own news stories for each photo. *Headline for EACH Picture *Short article (two sentences) describing each Picture *Descriptive and interesting (the funnier the better) *Use Yellow Journalism techniques to sensationalize the stories
For the next two slides: 1 For the next two slides: 1. Pretend you are a journalist witnessing the atrocities in Cuba. 2. Spanish authorities have confiscated your camera and are not allowing you to take photographs. 3. Draw what you see instead and make up a short background story for what is going on in each situation.
Journalist at a Spanish concentration camp, “graveyard”, in Cuba.
Cuban boy in a Spanish concentration camp.
What was Yellow Journalism? The Spanish-American War: Use information in your unit to answer the following questions in your notebook. What was Yellow Journalism? How did Yellow Journalism contribute to the U.S. going to war with Spain?