Education and Training Monitor 2016
1. Is public expenditure on education increasing or decreasing in the EU? 2. EU almost met target value of 95 % children aged 4+ in early childhood education and care. What next on the ECEC agenda? 3. What are tangible policy measures that countries can take to make education systems responsive to needs of society and labour market? 4. Education and learning concern young people. Or not only?
What is the Monitor
> A data driven publication 1. Is public expenditure on education increasing or decreasing in the EU? > A data driven publication 2. EU almost met target value of 95% children aged 4+ in early childhood education and care. What next on the ECEC agenda? > Reporting on Europe 2020 and ET 2020 targets and priority themes in education 3. What are tangible policy measures that countries can take to make education systems responsive to needs of society and labour market? > A tool for peer learning 4. Education and learning concern young people. Or not only? > An integrated ET 2020 approach to education and training
A cross-national report with clickable data 28 country reports Leaflet on ET 2020 benchmarks Interactive maps Library of good practices Press material: infographics, factsheets, … from next slide on
This presentation Challenges Low achievement Transition to employment Active citizenship Financing education Responsive education systems Widening participation ECEC School Higher education Responsive education systems Modernisation agenda Schools VET HE Adult learning
Challenges impacting on education
Underachievement in basic skills 15 year-olds (ET 2020) age group 20-34 Numeracy: 14.3 % Literacy: 11.5 %
Employment of recent graduates (age group 20-34) 76.9 % of recent graduates were employed in 2015, on the rise comparing to 2013 (75.4 %) and 2014 (76.1 %) Pre-crisis level: 82% (2008)
Active citizenship (Paris Declaration) National policies to ensure that children and young people acquire social, civic and intercultural skills. Efforts to promote intercultural dialogue through national education policies DK IE LT ES DE LV AT BE EE FI LU IT CY NL FR UK-WLS UK-ENG PT IE IT LT LU DE ES LV AT CY BG BE EE SE FR UK-NIR PT
School age population 2040 forecasts (age 5-18) Changing demographic landscape in Europe School age population 2040 forecasts (age 5-18) Asylum applications Increase LT 34 % PT, EL, LV, ES, SK 20 Decrease BE, SE 72 LU 80 % < 17 year-olds < 34 year-olds 30 % EU: -3%
Investing efficiently and effectively In 2014 public expenditure on education in the EU started growing again, with an annual increase of 1.1 % 10 Member States (BE, EE, EL, HR, IT, CY, LT, AT, SI, FI) reduced their spending on education in 2014 compared to 2013
Responsive education systems: widening participation
Widening participation (ECEC 4+) Increased rate in EL, LT and PL. However, there are still 11 Member States with a participation rate below 90 % and 2 below 80 % (HR and SK)
Widening participation (ECEC <3)
Widening participation (preventing ELET)
13 Member States met their national targets Widening participation (preventing ELET) 17 MS recorded rates below 10 %; BE and DE were below 10 % in 2014 but are now just above (10.1 %) 13 Member States met their national targets
Foreign-born young people from outside the EU have higher ESL rate: 19 Foreign-born young people from outside the EU have higher ESL rate: 19.8% on average. In IE and UK, native-born people have higher ESL rates than foreign-born ESL rates for boys are twice as high as those of girls in CY, PL, LV, SI, LT, EE and DK.
Widening participation (tertiary attainment)
12 Member States met their national targets Widening participation (tertiary attainment) 17 MS recorded rates of 40 %: EL for the first time, LV reaching the target once again. AT slipped slightly below the target 12 Member States met their national targets
In DK, EE, IE, LV, LU, MT and UK: opposite trend The gap between women and men increased from 2014 in 21 Member States and is highest in LV, SI, EE and LT Tertiary attainment rate is 3% higher for native-born than for the foreign-born In DK, EE, IE, LV, LU, MT and UK: opposite trend
Responsive education systems: modernisation agenda
Early on: quality ECEC Starting age of legal entitlement to ECEC Professionalisation of ECEC all along the cycle (teachers with tertiary qualifications, CPD a duty or necessary for promotion, curriculum guidelines) Language support Quality framework and development of indicators
Teachers: dealing with diversity Collaboration within and outside schools (among teachers, and whole school) Guidance on underachievement in ITE Dealing with diversity as PD topic Teacher workforce
Social dimension of higher education
Adult learning BM not progressing, Gap of low-skilled is widening Second chance education still minor 3.6% Skills Guarantee under preparation
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