Team: Right Wheel Sucks Robot: Samwise Gamgee Spring 2016 Team Members Maddux MacDonald Rene Hernandez Stephen Fischer
Maddux MacDonald 3rd Semester Freshman Majoring in Computer Engineering I now have a basic knowledge of the various components of robots and have been exposed to basic coding. This class has encouraged me to continue in computer engineering because I was able to get experience with programming and robots, and found that I enjoy it. Find something that you enjoy doing and pursue it.
Rene Hernandez 2nd Semester Freshman Initially was a Pre-BioMedical Engineer Major but have since changed to a Computer Engineer Major Thanks to this course I have a basic knowledge of how autonomous robots work and what their potential uses can be. I do believe this course has influenced my decision in switching majors and I will hopefully look back and not regret it. Don’t let your fear of failing at something deter you from ever trying it.
Stephen Fischer 2nd semester Freshman Plan to major in Aerospace Engineering and possibly a minor in Electrical Engineering I have learned basic coding and basic information about robots This course has influenced me to explore more areas of Electrical Engineering Be open to other opportunities in life.
Samwise’s Journey For our robot, Samwise, we wanted to replicate his journey through the webbed lair of the villainous Shelob. His objective was to find Frodo before Shelob could finish eating him. If he manages to find Frodo before he is eaten, then the journey to Mount Doom can continue and the ring can be destroyed. However, should Sam fail in this task and succumb to the various traps around Shelob’s lair, Frodo will die and all that the fellowship has worked for will be wasted.
Conclusions We feel as though we have gained valuable insight into the programming and logic behind robots, and even if we choose not to continue in our respective fields, what we have learned will be valuable forever.