Differentiated Instruction By: Shelby Blackburn
“If a child cannot learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” -Ignacio Estrada
What is Differentiated Instruction? Differentiated instruction is a classroom approach that helps meet the need of all students. It is based off of students’ Interests Abilities Physical Cognitive Backgrounds As an educator, I want to meet the learning needs of all students by incorporating instructional methods that would be most appropriate for each individual.
Why use Differentiated Instruction? Each child is unique, especially in their learning processes. Each child deserves to learn in a way that makes sense to them. Using this method of teaching, educators get children excited about learning. They teach students that their differences make them special in a good way. We use those differences to help the individual child excel however much they can.
What are the approaches of differentiated instruction? Design lessons based on students’ learning styles. Recognize students’ interests and incorporate those into the lessons. Recognize the cultural backgrounds of all students and use the different cultures as a learning opportunity for the class. Recognize the readiness level of each student and help them reach their full potential. Asses the students continually and adjust the instruction when needed.
Learning Styles and How to Use Them in the Classroom There are seven learning styles that children may have. Visual Use pictures or graphs to help the students process the information. Auditory/Musical Use sound and music to enhance the child’s learning. Verbal Let the child use words or writing to explain that they are learning to help with their comprehension of the material.
Learning Styles and How to Use Them in the Classroom (cont.) Logical/Mathematical Let these students try to solve problems in class using their reasoning or mathematic skills. Social Let the students work in groups during projects. Solitary If the students choose, let them work alone on classroom projects. Physical/Kinesthetic Implement items in your lessons that students can touch or make them get active during the lessons.
How to use Students’ Interests in the Classroom At the beginning of the year, have the students take a interests test to learn more about what they like. Incorporate ALL students’ interests into class lessons. You could use: Sports Statistics Famous Celebrities Drawing Let the children pick their reading books based on what they want to learn more about.
Example of a Student Interest Test
Using Diverse Cultural Backgrounds in the Classroom Why is this important? How do I do this? Using the cultures or each child in the classroom lets the child know that their background is accepted and loved. This will help the children feel more comfortable in the class. All students will learn more about different cultures. Collaborate with the families of the children. Let them come in and talk about their culture. Reading a book about their culture. Telling a story about their background. They can give you insight and ideas on how to incorporate their culture into the lessons.
Knowing the Learning Readiness of Each Child Know their level in all subjects Math Reading/Writing Science Give students extra attention or time when needed and appropriate.
Asses Adjust Instruct Differentiated Instruction is an ongoing process that is so important in helping students achieve their full learning potential.
References Robb, L. (n.d.). Scholastic. Weselby, C. (2014, October 1). Concordia University. Retrieved from Teaching Strategies.