Multiple Intelligences Based on Howard Gardner’s theory and description of the eight intelligences Amber does MI
Focus Questions What is the theory of Multiple Intelligences? How can the MIs be used to enrich my students’ classroom experiences? How can the MIs be used in assessment of student understanding?
Every person has the capacity for all 8 intelligences.
We are going to consider our own capacities of each intelligence. Directions
Spatial Thinks in images and pictures Clear visual images and representations Knows the location of everything Fascination with machines and contraptions
Interpersonal Thinks and processes by relating, co-operating and communicating with others Leader among peers Uncanny ability to sense feelings and intentions of others Understands people, mediates conflict Organizer, communicator, at times manipulative Has many friends
Logical-Mathematical Thinks conceptually Skilled in reasoning, logic and problem solving Explores patterns, categories, and relationships Manipulates the environment to experiment in a controlled way Questions and wonders about natural events
Naturalist Communion with nature Caring for, taming and interacting with living creatures Sensitivity to nature’s “flora” Recognizing and classifying members of a species Growing things Appreciating the impact of nature on the self and self on nature
Linguistic Thinks in words Highly developed auditory skills Plays with sounds in language Great story teller Head frequently stuck in a book Likes to write
Musical Thinks in sounds, rhythms and patterns Sings, hums, whistles to themselves Immediately responds to music Performs and appreciates music and leads in songs Sensitive to environmental sounds Strong opinion of others’ music
Intrapersonal Skilled in inner focusing Displays a strong personality Deep awareness of inner feelings, dreams and ideas Reflective and analytical Tends to shy away from team activities Recognizes self strengths and weaknesses Requires private space and time
Bodily-Kinesthetic Processes knowledge through bodily sensation Excellent fine-motor coordination Gut feelings about things Great at mimicking your best or worst qualities and mannerisms Needs to move around, often labeled hyperactive