Vocabulary Construction – Unit 4 Latin Roots: audi, tact, vis & voca to hear, to touch, to see, & to say by Marcia Timmel Art by Phillip Martin
1. auditory 1. (adj. ) pertaining to the sense of hearing
2. audible 2. (adj) able to be heard
3. audience 3. (noun) a formal interview; all who hear a show or speech
4. contact 4. (noun) the condition of touching; (verb) to touch
5. tactile 5. (adj. )relating to the sense of touch
6. visible 6. (adj. ) capable of being seen
7. visual 7. (adj. )pertaining to the sense of sight; (noun) pictures used to enhance a presentation
8. visualize 8. ( verb) to form a mental image; to picture in the mind
9. vocal 9. (adj) pertaining to the voice; able to speak or make sounds
10. vocalize 10. (verb ) to voice, to speak or sing