Equitable Access Webinar February 2018
Office of Resource Allocation Strategy & Planning Who’s here from ESE Office of Resource Allocation Strategy & Planning Federal Grant Programs Center for Instructional Support Office of Educator Development
Background on Equity Requirements Agenda 01 Background on Equity Requirements 02 Student Learning Experience Report 03 District Equity Strategies Agenda 04 FY19 ESSA Grant Application W 05 Resources and Next Steps
Background Background 01
Every Student Succeeds Act Equity in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Shift to equitable access for students State Equity reporting State Equity plan District Equity reporting (Student Learning Experience reports) District Equity plans
What ESSA says (Section 1112(b)(2) – Local Education Agency Plans) ENSURE EQUITY IN PROVISION OF QUALITY EDUCATORS Identify and address any disparities that result in [historically disadvantaged] students being taught at higher rates than other students by lower rated, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers pursuant to Section 1111(g)(1)(B).
Clarifying roles ESE’s role: To ensure we’re closing equity gaps to prevent our most at-risk students from falling further behind. Provide you with technical assistance and data reporting District’s role: ESSA is clear that districts are required to identify and address equity gaps How will ESE know? Grant assurance for FY19 ESSA grant application(s) Summary of how district identifies and addresses school and district equity gaps in the FY19 ESSA grant application(s) Questions regarding district equity gaps in ESSA monitoring
Defining equitable access Ensuring every student has equitable access to an excellent educator Ensuring economically disadvantaged students, students of color, English learners, and students with disabilities are not being served at disproportionate rates by lower rated, out-of-field, or inexperienced teachers
What we know to be true in Massachusetts Students in high poverty and high minority schools have twice as many first year teachers Students of color are almost twice as likely to be assigned to a teacher rated Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory English learners are 1.77 times as likely to be assigned to a teacher rated Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory
ESE Policy Brief – Teacher Equity Gaps in Massachusetts Why equity gaps matter The average third-year teacher produces one additional month of learning compared to a first-year teacher Students assigned to a teacher rated Proficient gain about ten additional weeks of learning in math and ELA compared to students assigned to teachers rated Needs Improvement On average, economically disadvantaged students are assigned to teachers who generate 1.7 fewer weeks of learning in math and 3.6 fewer weeks of learning in ELA ESE Policy Brief – Teacher Equity Gaps in Massachusetts
Identifying Equity Gaps The Student Learning Experience Report 02
Equitable access tools for districts Student Learning Experience Report Available in Edwin Analytics to district users Tool that identifies rates of student assignments based on characteristics of both students & teachers Unit of measure is the assignment of students to teachers Equity gaps/risk ratio When a group of students, at the school or district level, is 1.5+ times more likely to be assigned to lower rated, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers than peers Data as a “flashlight, not a hammer”
Student Learning Experience Summary Report Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Comparison of risk ratios for each school Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
District Equity Strategies 03
Recommended process for districts Include stakeholder input throughout process Identify the equity gaps in district and schools Analyze root causes
Recommended process for districts (continued) Identify strategies to address gaps (include measurable goals) Develop timeline for implementing strategies Monitor effective implementation of strategies
Timeline and structure Districts should have identified and begun to address equity gaps by the end of this school year We strongly encourage districts to include their equity plans as part of the larger District Improvement Plan/Strategic Plan This is not a one-time requirement. Each year, districts should look at their equity data just like they look at their assessment data, etc.
04 FY19 ESSA grant application
FY19 ESSA grant application Districts will address certain components of their equity strategies in FY19 ESSA grant application Grant assurance for FY19 ESSA grant application(s) Summary of how district identifies and addresses school and district equity gaps in the FY19 ESSA grant application(s) This component will require coordination across district Title I director, Title IIA director, data specialists, principals, curriculum directors, special education and ESL directors, staff charged with hiring, etc. ESSA grant application will be available July 2018
Resources & Next Steps Resources & Next Steps 05
MA Equity Playbook I and II Equity website MA State Equity Plan Resources MA Equity Playbook I and II Equity website MA State Equity Plan ESE Policy Brief – Teacher Equity Gaps in Massachusetts SLE report (includes video tutorials) Guidebook for Inclusive Practice Equity Roadmap
http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/4090856/Spring-Equity-Lab- Registration Equity Labs The Department will be hosting two “Equity Labs” in March to familiarize district teams with the data in the Student Learning Experience Report and to begin a discussion of root cause analysis about the data March 20th from 9:30-2:00 at ESE, 75 Pleasant Street, Malden March 27th from 9:30-2:00 at CES, 97 Hawley Street, Northampton, MA http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/4090856/Spring-Equity-Lab- Registration
Contact info For questions related to SLE reports, MA state equity plan, Equity Labs: EducatorDevelopment@doe.mass.edu For questions related to district equity plans or Title I application: titlei@doe.mass.edu Thank You!