Public Information Meeting Martin Street PS Rebuild Tuesday, January 17, 2017 7:00 pm Craig Kielburger Secondary School (Theatre)
AGENDA 7:30 PM Feedback 7:00 PM Information Presentation Welcome, Introductions and Purpose of Meeting Boundary Review Process Role of the Boundary Review Committee Presentation of Selected Scenarios Feedback process Next steps and timeline for decision Adjournment 7:30 PM Feedback 2
Purpose of Meeting To share information about the boundary review process for Martin Street Public School To review scenarios and the proposed boundaries To provide members of the public with an opportunity to provide feedback on the scenarios 3
expected completion date of no later than February 2017. Why A Boundary Review? At the November 2, 2016 Board meeting, HDSB Trustees approved a motion to initiate the process to establish a boundary for Martin Street PS. Be it resolved that the Halton District School Board direct the Director to undertake a school boundary review for the new Martin Street PS, with an expected completion date of no later than February 2017.
Location of Martin Street Public School
Boundary Review Steering Committee (BRSC) Composition Superintendent of Program Cristina Salmina Superintendent of Business Lucy Veerman Manager from Planning Department Dom Renzella (Manager) Laureen Choi Mitchell Gundy Trustees for all of the affected areas Trustee Kim Graves Trustee Donna Danielli Boundary Review Committee Chair (appointed by Director) Superintendent of Student Services Trustee Jeanne Gray (Co-Chair of BRC) Gord Truffen (Co-Chair of BRC) Mark Zonneveld Family of Schools Superintendent(s) of all affected areas Jacqueline Newton - Chair of BRSC 6
Mandate of Martin Street BRSC Determine and communicate which schools are part of the Boundary Review Process Generate the initial boundary options for consideration by a larger Boundary Review Committee Consult with the community through Public Information Meetings regarding the Boundary Review Committee’s preferred option(s) On behalf of the Boundary Review Committee, recommend preferred option(s) to Administrative Council and the Director
Boundary Review Committee Composition TWO representatives from each school to serve on the Boundary Review Committee (BRC). Members of the Boundary Review Steering Committee (BRSC) 8
Mandate of Martin Street BRC Work collaboratively to examine the initial boundary options generated by the Steering Committee; ● Provide detailed feedback on the initial options, request modifications or additional options, if required; ● Over the course of a number of working meetings and based upon a set of agreed upon criteria, the committee will arrive at one or more preferred options; ● Preferred option(s) submitted to the Steering Committee to be considered for recommendation to Administrative Council and the Director; ● Parent representatives speak on behalf of all students, regardless of school, program, or grade; ● Staff’s role on the committee is as a resource - to respond to inquiries and to provide committee members with the data and administrative experience required to assess options.
Boundary Review Process STEP 1 - Board passes a motion for a boundary review. Boundary Review Steering Committee (BRSC) consisting of Board staff and trustees review enrolments, school capacities and programs. Initial boundary scenarios are generated. STEP 2 - Boundary Review Steering Committee (BRSC) consisting of Board staff and trustees review enrolments, school capacities and programs. Initial boundary scenarios are generated. STEP 3 - Public Announcement of School Boundary Review - November 4th letter and signs on schools 10
STEP 4 - Boundary Review Committee (BRC) established, consisting of members of the BRSC and representatives from the affected school communities. STEP 5 - Boundary Review Committee reviews scenarios and considers revisions, and makes suggestions to the Boundary Review Steering Committee. Consult with the community the preferred scenarios. BRSC and BRC will review the feedback from community. STEP 6 - The Superintendent(s) responsible for the boundary review will write a report with the recommended option(s). STEP 7 - Integration Committee - The Integration Committee will plan for and implement the positive integration of students and staff affected by the boundary decision and relocation into their new school environment. 11
Criteria to Measure Impact & Effectiveness of Boundary Options Possible criteria could include but is not limited to: Criteria (could include but should not be limited to the following) ● Viability of Program – How many students are required to offer and maintain program in an educationally sound and fiscally responsible way? ● Proximity to schools -- Are opportunities for walk-to schools being maximized, school routes safe, and natural boundaries incorporated into the proposed options? ● Portables and Portapaks -- Are students being accommodated in permanent facilities and is the use of portable classrooms minimized in the proposed options? ● Balance of overall enrolment -- Is student access to programs, resources and extracurricular opportunities being maximized? Is over and underutilization of buildings avoided to the extent possible? ● Stable, long-term boundaries -- Do the projections show long term stability and result in avoiding the need for additional boundary changes in the short term? ● Transportation -- Does the option demonstrate cost effective transportation? ● Fiscally Responsible -- Does the option strive to reduce unnecessary costs? ● Student Experience -- Does the option demonstrate an effort to reduce the number of school moves students have experienced? Are cohorts kept together? ● Other -- Any other criteria recommended by the Boundary Review Steering Committee or Boundary Review Committee
The Boundary Review Process (BRC Parent Perspective) Blair Fleming - School Council Chair - EW Foster PS 13
Scenarios The Boundary Review Steering Committee and Boundary Review Committee met regularly to explore and assess all possible boundary scenarios. Over the course of 4 meetings, the Boundary Review Committee considered 17 scenarios and have recommended 4 scenarios to the steering committee. All boundary scenarios are available on the Board website (
Scenarios Scenario 7 Martin St PS opens Sept 2017 as a JK‐7 ENG and 2‐7 FI school, grade 8 ENG and FI added Sept 2018 Martin St PS ENG and FI eastern boundary is Ontario St Martin St PS FI boundary includes Escarpment View ENG boundary JM Denyes grade 5 ENG feeds into WI Dick ENG
Scenarios Scenario 7a Similar to Scenario 7 with changes to implementation Martin St PS opens Sept 2017 as a JK‐6 ENG and 2‐6 FI school, grade 7 ENG and FI added Sept 2018, grade 8 ENG and FI added Sept 2019
Scenarios Scenario 12b Martin St PS opens Sept 2017 as a JK‐6 ENG and 2‐6 FI school, grade 7 ENG and FI added Sept 2018, grade 8 ENG and FI added Sept 2019 Martin St PS ENG and FI eastern boundary is Ontario St Martin St PS FI boundary includes Escarpment View ENG boundary
Scenarios Scenario 12b (con’t) JM Denyes grade 5 ENG feeds into WI Dick Sam Sherratt 'triangle' (James Snow Pkwy/Cedar Hedge Rd) will attend Martin St PS ENG and FI instead of Sam Sherratt ENG and EW Foster/WI Dick FI
Scenarios Scenario 12c Similar to Scenario 12b with changes to implementation Martin St PS opens Sept 2017 as a JK‐7 ENG and 2‐7 FI school, grade 8 ENG and FI added Sept 2018
Deadline for feedback is Monday, January 23rd at noon. Feedback Process Personal Public Consultation Feedback Forms are available on-line at Deadline for feedback is Monday, January 23rd at noon. Facilitated group feedback opportunities will provided immediately following this presentation. Further questions or comments please contact the Planning Department at 20
Next Steps: Feedback from the public consultation process will be collated and provided to the Boundary Review Committee for review. The BRC will use this information when confirming their recommendations to the Boundary Review Steering Committee. Boundary Review Steering Committee makes recommendations to the Director. Director takes the recommended option(s) to Trustees and/or may revise the recommended option(s) prior to taking it to Trustees Trustees will make final decision on the boundary. 21
Timeline for Decision Recommendation(s) provided to Trustees on Feb. 15, 2017 and voted on March 1, 2017 Opportunity for the community to delegate at a Board meeting - Feb. 15, 2017 and March 1, 2017 Board Meetings Notice to community on when recommendations regarding the boundary will be submitted to Trustees - February, 2017 Recommendations will be posted on Board website prior to Board meeting ( 22
School Groups - Public Feedback CK Theatre Martin Street PS WI Dick PS CK Theatre Escarpment View PS Anne J. MacArthur PS CK Cafeteria Brookville PS Bruce Trail PS Chris Hadfield PS Hawthorne PS CK Cafeteria JM Denyes PS Sam Sherratt PS EW Foster PS Robert Baldwin PS
Thank You!