The First Americans Chapter 1, Sections 1 & 2


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Presentation transcript:

The First Americans Chapter 1, Sections 1 & 2

Early Peoples Archaeology: the study of ancient peoples The first people to enter North America were Asian hunters. It is estimated they entered North America around 28,000 B.C. How did they get here?

The Journey From Asia Ancient Peoples Come to the Americas 30,000 years ago They arrived during an “Ice Age” when parts of the earth were covered in ice sheets. Beringia: Land bridge between Siberia (Asia) and Alaska.

Beringia Today Beringia is known as the Bering Strait.

In Search of Hunting Grounds Early people were hunters and gatherers. Nomads: individuals who move from place to place in search of food and water. Crossing the land bridge was known as a migration, a movement of a large number of people to a new homeland. Hunters and gatherers spread across North America and as far as South America.

End of the Ice Age Ice Age ends around 10,000 B.C. Large animals begin to disappear. Early Americans forced to hunt deer, birds and rodents. During this time, early Americans become less nomadic.

The Discovery of Farming Around 7,000 B.C., people living in North America make a huge discovery. Learned how to farm efficiently plant and raise an early form of corn called maize. Agricultural plants such as squash and lima beans follow. No need to move from place to place. Maize becomes a stable food. Early communities form. People learn irrigation: redirecting water to farm lands Surplus of food is formed.

The Growth of Cultures The discovery of agriculture leads to new cultures. Culture: A common way of life (customs). Communities form and develop common customs, beliefs, ideas and ways to protect themselves.

Cities and Civilizations Long before the arrival of Europeans in the early 1500’s, there were several great civilizations. Civilization: Highly developed societies.

Advanced Civilizations Ingredients of Civilization Agriculture (Farming) And Industry Religion Science Politics (Government) Trade

Early American Civilizations North America Mississippian Central America Maya Aztec South America Inca

Mayan Civilization The largest Mayan city was Tikal in present day Guatemala. Tikal had five pyramids used for government and religious functions.

Maya Civilization Maya Located in Guatemala and Mexico A.D. 250 – A.D. 900 Reached it’s peak in 700 A.D. Farmers and hunters Theocracy: Society ruled by religious leaders Built very large temples that are still standing today

Mayan Theocracy Polytheism: belief in many gods Believed the gods had control in every aspect of life. Mayan priests made the important decisions. They were said to know the wishes of the gods.

Mayan Civilization The Mayan kept accurate records of their religious festivals. Mayan were skilled astronomers and made a 365 day calendar.

Mayan Trade Mayan traders traveled by foot and canoe. Traded maize, vegetables, turquoise jewelry, cacao beans. Traded in exchange for cotton, cloth, pottery and deer meat.

Maya Created 1st writing system in the Americas Hieroglyphics: symbols and pictures represent things, ideas and sounds. Decline: around 900 A.D. Warfare? Depleted resources?

Mayan Hieroglyphics

Aztec Civilization Aztec Emerges around A.D. 1100 Location: Current day Mexico City. Society of warriors, Very militaristic. Conquered nearly all rival communities and forced taxes: tributes of food and human sacrifices.

Aztec Civilization Tenochtitlan: Aztec capital. Served as a trading center and attracted thousands of merchants. Built around 1325 A.D.

Legend of Tenochtitlan The Aztec’s god of war, Huitzilopochtli, instructed the priests to find a prickly pear, and at that site, to build a temple in his honor.

Legend of Tenochtitlan On their trek, they noticed an eagle flying above head with a serpent in its mouth. To the Aztecs the eagle was the protector of the sky, and the snake was the protector of the ground.

Legend of Tenochtitlan The Aztecs followed the Eagle to an island, and amazingly it perched itself on a prickly pear!

The Serpent and the Eagle The flag of Mexico pays homage to the Aztec civilization.

Aztec Civilization Aztecs Montezuma Decline Like the Mayans, Aztec society was organized around religion. Story telling an important part of early society. Believed human sacrifices were needed to keep the gods pleased. Montezuma Coronation: 5,000 human sacrifices in one day. Loved hot chocolate! Decline Europeans arrive in 1500CE Disease War

Inca Civilization Incas Located in South America Expands around 1400 A.D. Largest of the early American Civilizations Empire = 2,500 miles At the height of the empire, it had about nine million people

Inca Civilization Inca weapons included clubs, spears, slings and the ax.

Inca Civilization Militaristic Men between 25 and 50 years old could be asked to serve in the military. Technology (roads, terraces, bridges) Built 10,000 miles of stone paved roads ran throughout the empire. Agriculture Grew and traded squash, tomatoes, maize, cotton and potatoes. Capital city was Cuzco.

Incan Civilization Right: Incan suspension bridge Lower left: terraces platforms cut into mountains for planting crops

MACHU PICCHU “the city in the mountains”