Financial Algebra 3 April 2018
announcements This week is PERT testing (Wednesday/Thursday) and continuing makeups Thankfully, no one in here is on the list Please remember: the first quiz of the quarter is due by April 5th Today is the last day to pick up a copy Regrades have not been completed/input into the system yet
Some of the Vocabulary for this section 401(k)/403(a) plans Annuity Interest Compound interest Annuity/fixed annuity Individual retirement account (IRA) Traditional IRA Roth IRA SEP-IRA Money market deposit account Pension plan Vesting
Money Market Deposit Account (MMDA) Money market deposit account (MMDA): A special type of hybridized savings account with certain restrictions and advantages You are required to maintain a minimum balance and will be charged if you don’t There is no maturity date The account pays interest like a regular savings account You are offered limited check-writing privileges (closer to a regular checking account) If you write more checks per month than your limit, then you will be charged a fee MMDAs are similar to negotiable order of withdrawal accounts (NOWs), but different in that: The interest rate on a NOW tends to be much lower than an MMDA NOWs are less likely to charge money for writing larger numbers of checks
APY and Comparing Savings Options Compound interest: Interest calculated on the initial principal and also on the accumulated interest of previous periods of a deposit or loan In simpler terms: “Interest made on interest” We touched on it briefly in yesterday’s real-world problem Annual percentage yield (APY): The interest rate that takes the compounding frequency into account Huh? APY tells you what your account will really earn on an annual basis once compounding is taken into consideration Always use APY as a tool to evaluate savings options that have different compounding frequencies Banks must make the APY available to you
Retirement savings I did mention before that all of you are lucky… You have a commodity that I don’t have when it comes to retirement…and life in general really. You have time. If you start saving now, you can accumulate a lot more than if you waited for a few more years How much more?
Retirement savings
Retirement savings