Population Pyramids
What is a population pyramid? A visual representation of the population of a country. Shows: population's age gender composition (males to females) gains of members (immigration and birth), and losses of members (emigration and death) reflect population growth or decline
Interpreting a Population Pyramid Each line is showing you what percentage of the population is a certain age. One side represents males and one side females
Interpreting population pyramids There main types of pyramids Rapid growth Slow/Stable growth Negative growth Shape of rapid growth Shape of Slow/Stable growth Shape of negative growth
Rapid growth
Rapid growth pyramids Have a large base to show high birth rates Amount of people decreases as the ages goes up indicating higher death rates and a lower standard of living Associated with developing countries like Afghanistan, Ethiopia
Slow Growth
Slow growth pyramids Take on a more rectangular shape Indicates population is remaining fairly steady or slowly growing Birth rates and death rates are similar Associated with developed countries like the UK, United States, Argentina
Negative growth
Negative growth pyramids Looks like a reverse pyramid Indicates the population of the country is decreasing Death rates are higher than birth rates Associated with developed countries like Austria, Japan, Italy
Using Population in Politics and Future Planning Distinguish between developed and developing nations Use data to predict Future population changes Environmental resource requirements Economic resource requirements
Things to look for Are there noticeable differences between men and women? Are there “missing generations” Relationships every 20-30 years are common… child bearing years!
Soviet Union WWI- 1914-1918 December 1934 http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/eur.htm WWI- 1914-1918 1,700,000 military dead December 1934 Stalin began a period of purging and terror that lasted until 1939 and was marked by the execution of virtually the entire political and military elite. Enemies of the State http://www.gendercide.org/case_stalin.html http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/riley/787/Soviet/Stalin/Stalin.html
Soviet Union How would you determine how World War I impacted the male population? What age group was impacted by Stalin’s purges?
China The “One Child Policy” To try and slow growth, China began a policy restricting many families to having only one child. Can you estimate when this policy began? Began in 1978
China and the Growth How did the “one child” rule impact China’s population? What growth is visible in China’s population pyramid? Started in 1979
Cambodia April 17th, 1975 the Khmer Rouge, a communist guerrilla group led by Pol Pot, took power in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. During their rule, it is estimated that 2 million Cambodians died by starvation, torture or execution.
Cambodia How did the rule of the Khmer Rouge impact Cambodia’s population? When did this occur?
South Africa Lower fertility rates (possible due to improved economy, women’s rights) AIDS epidemic
South Africa What is happening to the population of South Africa? Why might this be happening?
Useful Website for Population Pyramids http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbpyr.html