Opioid Solutions Paul Kivela, MD,MBA, FACEP President, ACEP Partner, Napa Valley Emergency Medical Group
Potential or Perceived Conflicts I have down joint injections in my office at Elan Medical I use many of these procedures in my emergency department President, ACEP
LAC2018 Solutions Summit May 20-23, 2018
Opiate Solutions Alternatives Opiate abuse Prevention Overdose Opiate Abuse Treatment
Short prescriptions of opiates
Opiate Free Emergency Departments
Alternatives to Opiates Medications Alternative procedures
Medications IV Tylenol IV ketorolac
Lidocaine for kidney stones and headaches
Propofol for headaches
Ketamine for chronic pain
Nitrous Oxide
Nerve blocks Joint Peripheral Nerve Regional Dental
Dry Needles
Back Pain and neck pain manipulations Knee to opposite shoulder Hamstring Locked facet Osteopathic and Chiropractic maneuvers
Opioid Advocacy Prescription Laws PDMP laws First responder
Opioid Prescriptions Limits on days? Limits on morphine equivalents
Narcan Prescriptions
Suboxone & Detox services