Oranges are not the only fruit… LO: to peer- assess an unseen response and write/self assess own response
HERE IS A SAMPLE RESPONSE… What mark would you give it and why? What next steps would you give this student?
AO3 context 1980s- HIV aids campaigning starts Moving forward a few years to the 1987 Conservative Party conference brings us to another landmark debate of the 1980s. In her speech to the party faithful, Margaret Thatcher remarked "Children who need to be taught to respect traditional moral values are being taught that they have an inalienable right to be gay".[7] These concerns heralded the introduction of Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988, which stated that local government "shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in state schools of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".
Now, peer-assess each other’s responses, as you did for the sample responses last lesson. AO1- clear link to the question, coherent line of debate, critical tone, technical accuracy, terminology AO2- peppered quotations, exploration of how meaning is created AO3- embedded contextual information to push line of argument forward, how different readers may hold alternative readings AO4- relevant links within the extract and typicality of genre/ theme/ author AO5- debate, critical tone WHAT IS THE MAIN ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE YOU NEED TO IMPROVE ON? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!
Reading skill ping-pong. How to play: in pairs, you are to take it in turns to say a stage of the reading strategy from last lesson. If you pause for more than 3 seconds, the other person gets a point and starts again If you get it wrong, the other person gets a point and starts again If you ‘pass’ the other person gets a point and starts again… There are 11 items on the list! What is the debate in the question? What is the extract about? Is there a story? What genre is the extract- is it typical? What is the structure? What’s the tone and where does it change? Is there a historical, social or political context? Can you identify any major themes? Are there characters? What are their roles? What’s the narrative perspective and how does it impact our understanding? Are there any key/ recurring images/ motifs? Is there a particular lexical set?
Oranges aren’t the only fruit extract #3- Revision for the unseen- Here is another extract (taken from the same text) Write your next step at the top of your essay to focus your learning Using your next steps and the unseen reading skills.. Write the introduction and 2 paragraphs Highlight where you have tried to meet your next step within your work