Bronx Community Health Dashboard: Other Cancers Last Updated: 01/09/2018 See last slide for more information about this project.
About this dashboard Lung, colorectal, prostate, breast and gynecologic cancers (i.e., uterine, cervical and ovarian) are presented in individual dashboards available at: Data on other cancers is presented here
Death and disability from other cancers Detailed data are provided for these cancers due to increasing trends or a higher burden in the Bronx Incidence and mortality rates by borough are shown for the remaining cancers Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) are calculated by adding the Years of Life Lost due to premature mortality in the population and the Years Lost due to Disability for people living with the health condition or its consequences. Data source: Global Burden of Disease Project, 2016. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Pancreatic cancer incidence
Pancreatic cancer rates are about average in the Bronx among males, but marginally higher among women in the Bronx Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Pancreatic cancer rates have decreased for males and increased for females in both the Bronx and NYC overall Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 1976-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
In the Bronx, the pancreatic cancer rate is highest among non-Hispanic black males Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality from pancreatic cancer
Mortality rates from pancreatic cancer are about average in the Bronx Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality rates from pancreatic cancer have declined for Bronx males, NYC males, and NYC females, but increased slightly for Bronx females Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 1976-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
In the Bronx, the mortality rate from pancreatic cancer is highest among non-Hispanic black males Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Liver cancer incidence
Bronx males have the highest liver cancer rate Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Liver cancer rates have increased for both males and females in the Bronx and NYC overall, but by the most for Bronx males Hepatitis C rates rose substantially in the 20th century due to improvements in diagnosis after the discovery of hepatitis C virus in 1989, as well as a combination of intravenous drug abuse and reused but poorly sterilized medical equipment. Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 1976-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
In the Bronx, the liver cancer rate is highest among Hispanic males Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality from liver cancer
Bronx males have the highest mortality rate from liver cancer Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality rates from liver cancer have increased for both males and females in the Bronx and NYC overall, but by the most for Bronx males Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 1976-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
In the Bronx, the mortality rate from liver cancer is highest among non-Hispanic black males Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Esophageal cancer incidence
Bronx males have the highest esophageal cancer rate Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Esophageal cancer rates have declined for both males and females in the Bronx and NYC overall Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 1976-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
In the Bronx, the esophageal cancer rate is highest among non-Hispanic black males Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality from esophageal cancer
Bronx males have the highest mortality rate from esophageal cancer Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality rates from esophageal cancer have declined for both males and females in the Bronx and NYC overall Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 1976-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
In the Bronx, the mortality rate from esophageal cancer is highest among non-Hispanic black males Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Larynx cancer incidence
Bronx males have the highest larynx cancer rate Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Larynx cancer rates have declined for both males and females, but remains higher for males, in the Bronx and NYC overall Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 1976-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
In the Bronx, the larynx cancer rate is highest among non-Hispanic white males Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality from larynx cancer
Bronx males have the highest mortality rate from larynx cancer Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality rates from larynx cancer have declined for both males and females, but remains higher for males, in the Bronx and NYC overall Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 1976-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
In the Bronx, the mortality rate from larynx cancer is highest among non-Hispanic black males Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Leukemia incidence and mortality
Leukemia rates are below average in the Bronx Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality rates from leukemia are below average in the Bronx Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma incidence and mortality
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma rates in the Bronx are about average among males and slightly below average among females Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Bronx males have the second highest mortality rate from non-Hodgkin lymphoma Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Brain cancer incidence and mortality
Brain cancer rates are the lowest in the Bronx as compared to other NYC boroughs Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality rates from brain cancer are the lowest in the Bronx as compared to other NYC boroughs Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Kidney cancer incidence and mortality
Bronx males have the second highest kidney cancer rate Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Bronx males have the highest mortality rate from kidney cancer Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Stomach cancer incidence and mortality
Stomach cancer rates in the Bronx are above average among males and highest among females Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality rates from stomach cancer are above average in the Bronx Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Bladder cancer incidence and mortality
Bladder cancer rates are the lowest in the Bronx as compared to other NYC boroughs Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality rates from bladder cancer are below average in the Bronx Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Melanoma incidence and mortality
Melanoma rates are the lowest in the Bronx as compared to other NYC boroughs Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Mortality rates from melanoma are the lowest in the Bronx as compared to other NYC boroughs Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Myeloma incidence and mortality
Bronx males have the highest myeloma rate Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Bronx males have the highest mortality rate from myeloma Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Oral cavity and pharynx cancer incidence and mortality
Bronx males have the highest oral cavity and pharynx cancer rate Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Bronx males and Manhattan males have the highest mortality rates from oral cavity and pharynx cancer Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Thyroid cancer incidence
Thyroid cancer rates are the lowest in the Bronx as compared to other NYC boroughs Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Hodgkin lymphoma incidence
Hodgkin lymphoma rates are above average in the Bronx Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
Testicular cancer incidence
The Bronx has the lowest testicular cancer rate Data source: New York State Cancer Registry, 2010-2014. Analysis by Montefiore OCPH.
About the Community Health Dashboard Project The goal of the project is to provide Bronx-specific data on risk factors and health outcomes with an emphasis on presenting data on trends, socio-demographic differences (e.g., by age, sex, race/ethnicity, etc.) and sub-county/neighborhood level data Data will be periodically updated as new data becomes available. Produced by Montefiore’s Office of Community & Population Health using publicly-available data sources For more information please contact Colin Rehm, PhD, Manager of Research & Evaluation (