10th Grade Literature Mrs. Green Journal Prompts 1 - 5 10th Grade Literature Mrs. Green
Warm-ups: Journal Prompt #1 Monday 1/11/16 A nosy reporter arrives in a sleepy little town and begins to ask questions. It’s obvious the residents are all hiding something…
Warm-ups: Journal Prompt #2 Tuesday 1/12/16 Picture prompt: Start a story or scene from a description of the picture above.
Warm-ups: Journal Prompt #3 Wednesday 1/13/16 Today we will be doing an extended warm-up session. Get your journals and begin on a NEW page today. Put your header (the date and #3) at the top of the page and wait for instructions.
Storytelling: Composing Our Lives Through "The House that Built Me" Essential Question: How does my history affect my future? Purpose: To demonstrate the use of prewriting through various media Standard (ELACC9-10W3): Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well chosen details, and well structured event sequences. Listen to the song “The House that Built Me” by Miranda Lambert. As the song plays, let it trigger memories from your past. What does this song make you think about personally? Storytelling: Composing Our Lives Through "The House that Built Me"
Lyrics from “The House that Built Me” by Miranda Lambert If I could walk around I swear I'll leave. Won't take nothing but a memory From the house that built me. What does the author mean in these lyrics? Think about a house/room/neighborhood that activates specific memories—it does not have to be your current house or one you lived in the longest. Sketch the house/room/neighborhood in your journal under #3.
Warm-ups: Journal Prompt #4 Thursday 1/14/16 What was something that you feared at first and then absolutely loved? Write about your experience.
Warm-ups: Journal Prompt #5 Friday 1/15/16 Katsishika Hokusai, The Great Wave Art prompt: “They set out that morning knowing they may not all return. As he kissed his wife, he wished he would have told her about…” Finish the story.