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Chapter 20 Table of Contents Section 1 Viruses Section 2 Bacteria Viruses and Bacteria Table of Contents Section 1 Viruses Section 2 Bacteria
Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Objectives Describe why a virus is not considered a living organism. Summarize the discovery of the tobacco mosaic virus. Describe the basic structure of a virus. Summarize the steps of viral replication. Explain how HIV infects immune system cells.
Chapter 20 Is a Virus Alive? Section 1 Viruses Is a Virus Alive? All living things are made of cells, are able to grow and reproduce, and are guided by information stored in their DNA. Viruses are segments of nucleic acids contained in a protein coat. Viruses are not cells. Viruses are pathogens—agents that cause disease. Viruses do not grow, do not have homeostasis, and do not metabolize.
Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Virus
Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Pathogen
Is a Virus Alive?, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Is a Virus Alive?, continued Discovery of Viruses Near the end of the nineteenth century, scientists were trying to find the cause of tobacco mosaic disease, which stunts the growth of tobacco plants. In 1935, biologist Wendell Stanley of the Rockefeller Institute purified tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and determined that the purified virus is a crystal. Stanley concluded that TMV is a chemical rather than an organism.
Chapter 20 Viral Structure Section 1 Viruses Viral Structure The virus protein coat, or capsid, may contain either RNA or DNA, but not both. Many viruses have a membrane, or envelope, surrounding the capsid. The envelope helps the virus enter cells. It consists of proteins, lipids, and glycoproteins, which are proteins with attached carbohydrate molecules that are derived from the host cell.
Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Parts of a Virus
Viral Structure, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Viral Structure, continued Some viruses are long rods that form filaments. Spherical viruses are typically studded with receptors. A helical virus is rodlike in appearance, with capsid proteins winding around the core in a spiral. Viruses that infect bacteria, called bacteriophages, have a complicated structure. A T4 bacteriophage, for example, has a polyhedron capsid attached to a helical tail.
Structures of TMV and Influenza Virus Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Structures of TMV and Influenza Virus
Structures of Adenovirus and Bacteriophage Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Structures of Adenovirus and Bacteriophage
Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Bacteriophage
Chapter 20 Viral Reproduction Section 1 Viruses Viral Reproduction Viruses must rely on living cells (host cells) for replication. Before a virus can replicate, it must first infect a living cell. An animal virus enters its host cell by endocytosis. A bacterial virus, or bacteriophage, punches a hole in the bacterial cell wall and injects its DNA into the cell.
Viral Reproduction, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Viral Reproduction, continued Lytic Cycle In bacterial viruses, the cycle of viral infection, replication, and cell destruction is called the lytic cycle. After the viral genes have entered the cell, they use the host cell to replicate viral genes and to make viral proteins, such as capsids. The proteins are then assembled with the replicated viral genes to form complete viruses. The host cell is broken open and releases newly made viruses.
Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Lytic Cycle
Viral Reproduction, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Viral Reproduction, continued Lysogenic Cycle During an infection, some viruses stay inside the cells but instead of producing virus particles, the viral gene is inserted into the host chromosome and is called a provirus. Whenever the cell divides, the provirus also divides, resulting in two infected host cells. In this cycle, called the lysogenic cycle, the viral genome replicates without destroying the host cell.
Prophages and Proviruses Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Prophages and Proviruses
Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Lysogenic Cycle
Viral Replication in Bacteria Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Viral Replication in Bacteria
Relationships between the Lytic and Lysogenic Cycles Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Relationships between the Lytic and Lysogenic Cycles
Viral Reproduction, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Viral Reproduction, continued Host Cell Specificity Viruses are often restricted to certain kinds of cells. Viruses may have originated when fragments of host genes escaped or were expelled from cells. The hypothesis that viruses originated from a variety of host cells may explain why there are so many different kinds of viruses. Biologists think there are at least as many kinds of viruses as there are kinds of organisms.
Viral Reproduction, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Viral Reproduction, continued Structure of HIV—an Enveloped Virus The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Within HIV’s envelope lies the capsid, which in turn encloses the virus’s genetic material. In the case of HIV, the genetic material is composed of two molecules of single-stranded RNA.
Chapter 20 How HIV Infects Cells Attachment Section 1 Viruses How HIV Infects Cells Attachment Studding the surface of each HIV are spikes composed of a glycoprotein. This particular glycoprotein precisely fits a human cell surface receptor called CD4. Thus the HIV glycoprotein can bind to any cell that possesses CD4 receptors.
How HIV Infects Cells, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses How HIV Infects Cells, continued Entry into Macrophages HIV cannot enter a cell merely by docking onto a CD4 receptor. Rather, the glycoprotein must also activate a second co-receptor, called CCR5. It is this event at CCR5 that starts endocytosis. Because human macrophages possess both CD4 and CCR5 receptors, HIV can enter macrophages.
How HIV Infects Cells, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses How HIV Infects Cells, continued Replication Once inside a cell, the HIV particle sheds its capsid. The particle then releases an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase copies the naked viral RNA into a complementary DNA version. Translation of the viral DNA by the host cell’s machinery directs the production of many copies of the virus.
Infection of Macrophage by HIV Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Infection of Macrophage by HIV
How HIV Infects Cells, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses How HIV Infects Cells, continued AIDS For years after the initial infection, HIV continues to replicate (and mutate). Eventually and by chance, HIV’s surface glycoproteins change to the point that they now recognize a new cell surface receptor. This receptor is found on the subset of lymphocytes called T cells. Unlike its activity in macrophages, HIV reproduces in T cells and then destroys them. It is this destruction of the body’s T cells that blocks the body’s immune response and signals the onset of AIDS.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Chapter 20 Viral Diseases Section 1 Viruses Viral Diseases Perhaps the most lethal virus in human history is the influenza virus. Certain viruses can also cause some types of cancer. Viruses associated with human cancers include hepatitis B (liver cancer), Epstein-Barr virus (Burkitt’s lymphoma), and human papilloma virus (cervical cancer).
Important Viral Diseases Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Important Viral Diseases
Viral Diseases, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Viral Diseases, continued Emerging Viruses Viruses that evolve in geographically isolated areas and are pathogenic to humans are called emerging viruses. These new pathogens are dangerous to public health. People become infected when they have contact with the normal hosts of these viruses. Examples of emerging viruses include West Nile virus and hantavirus.
Viral Diseases, continued Chapter 20 Section 1 Viruses Viral Diseases, continued Prions and Viroids Prions are composed of proteins but have no nucleic acid. A disease-causing prion is folded into a shape that does not allow the prion to function. Contact with a misfolded prion will cause a normal prion to misfold, too. In this way the misfolding spreads. A viroid is a single strand of RNA that has no capsid. Viroids are important infectious disease agents in plants.
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Objectives List seven differences between bacteria and eukaryotic cells. Describe three different ways bacteria can obtain energy. Describe the external and internal structure of Escherichia coli. Distinguish two ways that bacteria cause disease. Identify three ways that bacteria benefit humans.
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Bacteria
Characteristics of Bacteria Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Characteristics of Bacteria
Chapter 20 Bacterial Structure Section 2 Bacteria Bacterial Structure Bacteria differ from eukaryotes in at least seven ways. Bacteria are prokaryotes. Unlike eukaryotes, prokaryotes lack a cell nucleus. Most bacterial cells are about 1 µm in diameter; most eukaryotic cells are more than 10 times that size.
Bacterial Structure, continued Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Bacterial Structure, continued All bacteria are single cells. Bacterial chromosomes consist of a single circular piece of DNA. Eukaryotic chromosomes are linear pieces of DNA that are associated with proteins. Bacteria reproduce by binary fission, a process in which one cell pinches into two cells.
Bacterial Structure, continued Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Bacterial Structure, continued Bacterial flagella are simple structures composed of a single fiber of protein that spins like a corkscrew to move the cell. Some bacteria also have shorter, thicker outgrowths called pili. Bacteria have many metabolic abilities that eukaryotes lack. For example, bacteria perform several different kinds of anaerobic and aerobic processes, while eukaryotes are mostly aerobic organisms.
Structure of Cilia and Flagella Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Structure of Cilia and Flagella
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Pilus
Structural Characteristics of a Bacterial Cell Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Structural Characteristics of a Bacterial Cell
Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell
Comparing Organisms That Are Unicellular and Multicellular Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Comparing Organisms That Are Unicellular and Multicellular
Chapter 20 Bacterial Cell Shapes Section 2 Bacteria Bacterial Cell Shapes A bacterial cell is usually one of three basic shapes: bacillus, a rod-shaped cell; coccus, a round-shaped cell; or spirillum, a spiral cell. Members of the kingdom Eubacteria have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan, a network of polysaccharide molecules linked together with chains of amino acids. Outside the cell wall and membrane, many bacteria have a gel-like layer called a capsule.
Three Bacterial Cell Shapes Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Three Bacterial Cell Shapes
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Bacterial Capsule
Bacterial Cell Shapes, continued Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Bacterial Cell Shapes, continued Eubacteria can have two types of cell walls, distinguished by a dye staining technique called the Gram stain. Gram staining is important in medicine because the two groups of eubacteria differ in their susceptibility to different antibiotics. Antibiotics are chemicals that interfere with life processes in bacteria.
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Gram Staining
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Gram Stain
Bacterial Cell Shapes, continued Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Bacterial Cell Shapes, continued Some bacteria form thick-walled endospores around their chromosomes and a small bit of cytoplasm when they are exposed to harsh conditions. Pili enable bacteria to adhere to the surface of sources of nutrition, such as your skin. Some kinds of pili enable bacteria to exchange genetic material through a process called conjugation. Conjugation is a process in which two organisms exchange genetic material.
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Conjugation
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Escherichia coli
Chapter 20 Obtaining Energy Photosynthesis Section 2 Bacteria Obtaining Energy Photosynthesis Photosynthetic bacteria can be classified into four major groups based on the photosynthetic pigments they contain: purple nonsulfur bacteria, green sulfur bacteria, purple sulfur bacteria, and cyanobacteria. Green sulfur bacteria and purple sulfur bacteria grow in anaerobic environments. Cyanobacteria are thought to have made the Earth’s oxygen atmosphere.
Obtaining Energy, continued Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Obtaining Energy, continued Chemoautotrophs Bacteria called chemoautotrophs obtain energy by removing electrons from inorganic molecules such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide or from organic molecules such as methane. In the presence of one of these hydrogen-rich chemicals, chemoautotrophic bacteria can manufacture all their own amino acids and proteins.
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Chemoautotroph
Obtaining Energy, continued Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Obtaining Energy, continued Heterotrophs Most bacteria are heterotrophs. Many are aerobic, that is, they live in the presence of oxygen. Some other bacteria can live without oxygen. Together with fungi, heterotrophic bacteria are the principal decomposers of the living world; they break down the bodies of dead organisms and make the nutrients available to other organisms.
Chapter 20 Pathogenic Bacteria Bacteria Can Metabolize Their Host Section 2 Bacteria Pathogenic Bacteria Bacteria Can Metabolize Their Host Heterotrophic bacteria obtain nutrients by secreting enzymes that break down complex organic structures in their environment and then absorbing them. If that environment is your throat or lungs, this can cause serious problems. Several common bacterial diseases include dental cavities, strep throat, tuberculosis, and acne.
Important Bacterial Diseases Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Important Bacterial Diseases
Pathogenic Bacteria, continued Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Pathogenic Bacteria, continued Bacterial Toxins The second way bacteria cause disease is by secreting chemical compounds into their environment. These chemicals, called toxins, are poisonous to eukaryotic cells. When bacteria grow in food and produce toxins, the toxins can cause illness in humans who eat those contaminated foods. Most bacteria can be killed by boiling water or various chemicals.
Pathogenic Bacteria, continued Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Pathogenic Bacteria, continued Biowarfare Biowarfare is the deliberate exposure of people to biological toxins or pathogens such as bacteria or viruses. Biologists are working on new approaches to recognize the onset of an attack with a bioweapon, to treat infected people, and to slow the spread of any outbreak of disease.
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Antibiotics In 1928, the British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic penicillin. Today different antibiotics are used to interfere with different cellular processes. Because these processes do not occur in viruses, antibiotics are not effective against them.
Antibiotics, continued Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Antibiotics, continued Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Some bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics. Susceptible bacteria are eliminated from the population, and resistant bacteria survive and reproduce, thus passing on their resistance traits. Usually, if the full course of the antibiotic is administered, all the targeted bacteria are killed and there is no chance for a resistant strain to develop. If antibiotic treatment ends prematurely, some of the more-resistant bacteria may survive and reproduce.
Importance of Bacteria Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Importance of Bacteria Food and Chemical Production Many of the foods that we eat, such as pickles, cheese, sauerkraut, olives, vinegar, and sourdough bread, are processed by specific kinds of bacteria. Humans are able to use different bacteria to produce different kinds of chemicals for industrial uses. Genetic engineering companies use genetically engineered bacteria to produce their many products, such as drugs for medicine and complex chemicals for research.
Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Bacteria and Food
Importance of Bacteria, continued Chapter 20 Section 2 Bacteria Importance of Bacteria, continued Mining and Environmental Uses of Bacteria Mining companies can use bacteria to concentrate desired elements from low-grade ore. Bacteria metabolize different organic chemicals and are therefore used to help clean up environmental disasters such as petroleum and chemical spills. Powders containing petroleum-metabolizing bacteria are used to help clean oil spills.
Chapter 20 Multiple Choice Standardized Test Prep Multiple Choice The diagram below illustrates viral replication in bacteria. Use the diagram to answer questions 1–3.
Multiple Choice, continued Chapter 20 Standardized Test Prep Multiple Choice, continued 1. Which type of cycle is represented in the diagram? A. aerobic B. anaerobic C. lysogenic D. lytic
Multiple Choice, continued Chapter 20 Standardized Test Prep Multiple Choice, continued 1. Which type of cycle is represented in the diagram? A. aerobic B. anaerobic C. lysogenic D. lytic
Multiple Choice, continued Chapter 20 Standardized Test Prep Multiple Choice, continued 2. What is the virus doing to the bacterium in step 1? F. injecting its capsid G. injecting its DNA H. withdrawing proteins J. withdrawing DNA
Multiple Choice, continued Chapter 20 Standardized Test Prep Multiple Choice, continued 2. What is the virus doing to the bacterium in step 1? F. injecting its capsid G. injecting its DNA H. withdrawing proteins J. withdrawing DNA
Multiple Choice, continued Chapter 20 Standardized Test Prep Multiple Choice, continued 3. What is happening in step 4? A. Viruses are entering the bacterium through a hole in the cell membrane. B. Viruses are repairing the cell membrane using viral proteins. C. Newly formed viruses are being released from the bacterium. D. The bacterium is ejecting its own chromosome inside a capsid.
Multiple Choice, continued Chapter 20 Standardized Test Prep Multiple Choice, continued 3. What is happening in step 4? A. Viruses are entering the bacterium through a hole in the cell membrane. B. Viruses are repairing the cell membrane using viral proteins. C. Newly formed viruses are being released from the bacterium. D. The bacterium is ejecting its own chromosome inside a capsid.