First 10 Amendments of the United States Constitution Bill of Rights First 10 Amendments of the United States Constitution
1st Amendment Freedom of Expression The basic rights end when you step onto someone else’s toes. The rights are not absolute they are just guide lines Civil Liberties: The freedoms that we have to think and act without governmental interference or fear of unfair treatment.
1st Amendment Freedom of Religion Why? To safeguard their religion from their government. They did not want a situation that would allow the government to force a religion on the people.
1st Amendment Two main clauses to the 1st Amendment (Religion) Establishment clause: The government can not make a national religion or make you worship a single religion President Thomas Jefferson called this the “wall of separation between church and state.” Free Exercise Clause: Allows you to practice any religion as long as you do not break laws.
1st Amendment Freedom of Speech Why? The Anti-Federalist wanted to make sure we could say things about our government and not be arrested. This was obviously created due to King George III. The government can not arrest us or harass us for saying truthful information.
Restrictions to Speech What is Slander? Anything you say about someone that is false and it hurts someone’s reputation ( law suit) What is Libel? Anything you write about someone that is false and it hurts someone’s reputation ( law suit)
1st Amendment Freedom of Press Why? The Anti-Federalist did not want the government to control all information. People wanted freedom without persecution. Censorship: the government can censor us from obscene material. (TV, Music, Radio etc)
1st Amendment Assembly: The right to gather as a group to do anything that is not illegal. Petition: The right to bring grievances against our government without fear of arrest or problems.
Rehash the 1st amendment Religion Free Exercise Clause No Establishment Clause Speech Slander Obscene Press Zengar Case Libel Assembly (peaceful) Petition (grievances)
LIMITS ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT When can your rights be limited?
Clear and Present Danger & Hate Speech Your speech can be limited if it poses an immediate and clear threat to the public “Fighting Words:” Words that provoke or incite violence or a threaten violence This can include racial slurs, threats, or trying to provoke others
You can not yell Fire in a movie theatre.
OBSENITY Words or ideas that are considered offensive or not accepted by mainstream society CRITERIA FOR OBSENITY: Must have no literary, artistic, or scientific value. Must arouse sexual feelings in a negative or degrading way. Must violate community standards
ENDANGERS THE NATION If language advocates the violent overthrow of the government or promotes anarchy. Examples would include terrorist attacks, threats to the President.