The Constitution APGOPO Rixie
Consent of the governed Separation of powers Checks & balances Think about these terms & discuss what you think they mean with a partner: Consent of the governed Separation of powers Checks & balances Federalism
A constitution establishes who has power in a society, and how that power is exercised.
The Madisonian System The framers of the Constitution established a republic: Built on consent of the governed (Locke) Power is exercised by representatives of the public
The Madisonian System Separation of Powers 3 branches of government share the power but are somewhat independent System of checks and balances: No single branch can dominate Set power against power (branches intertwined) Federalism Power is divided between national & state governments
p. 47
The Madisonian System Encourages moderation and compromise. Slows change. P. 46
p. 49
Compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists involved the Bill of Rights
On your own… Be sure to learn the process for amending the Constitution: Two methods to propose an amendment and two methods to ratify it – learn these, and be able to say which path is most common! Be able to give examples of informal constitutional change.