A New Constitution Chapter 3, Section 2
The Constitutional Convention Need strong government and constitution Constitutional Convention: States send representatives to make government
Partner Discussion Why was it important that the states got together to make a government?
Who were there delegates? Called: “The Framers” 55 Delegates Made Constitution Famous examples: George Washington Benjamin Franklin James Madison
The Virginia Plan By James Madison Divide Government into 3 branches Executive: Approves laws, face of government Legislative: Makes laws Judicial: enforces laws Congress (Legislative) determined by state population. More people = more representatives
Partner Discussion Why would states with a small population not like Congress to be decided by the number of people in each state?
The Connecticut Compromise Congress has two houses: House of Representatives and Senate House of Reps Population determines number of representatives. More people, more representatives Senate Each state gets 2 representatives.
Partner Discussion Should slaves count in the population? Should the South get more representatives because of slavery?
The Three-Fifths Compromise South: Wants slaves to count North: They don’t vote, they don’t count 3 out of every 5 slaves count toward population total Congress can not interfere/get involved with slave trading
Other Constitution Aspects Popular Sovereignty: Rule by people Federalism: power divided between National and State governments Amending Constitution: Can make changes with votes Checks and Balances: No branch gets too much power
Ratification= Approving / Voting for something Antifederalists: against Constitution Delegates did too much Not fair to lower classes Too much power to central government No bill of rights Federalists : wanted Constitution No ratification would mean anarchy Wrote The Federalist analyzed Constitution explained thinking Federalists are successful Promised to add Bill of Rights 10 months for 9 states to ratify First state was Delaware on Dec 7, 1787 Ratification= Approving / Voting for something
Ratification December 7, 1787: Delaware ratifies. Vote: 30 for, 0 against. December 12, 1787: Pennsylvania ratifies. Vote: 46 for, 23 against. December 18, 1787: New Jersey ratifies. Vote: 38 for, 0 against. January 2, 1788: Georgia ratifies. Vote: 26 for, 0 against. January 9, 1788: Connecticut ratifies. Vote: 128 for, 40 against. February 6, 1788: Massachusetts ratifies. Vote: 187 for, 168 against. March 24, 1788: Rhode Island popular referendum rejects. Vote: 237 for, 2708 against. April 28, 1788: Maryland ratifies. Vote: 63 for, 11 against. May 23, 1788: South Carolina ratifies. Vote: 149 for, 73 against. June 21, 1788: New Hampshire ratifies. Vote: 57 for, 47 against. Minimumrequirement for ratification met. June 25, 1788: Virginia ratifies. Vote: 89 for, 79 against. July 26, 1788: New York ratifies. Vote: 30 for, 27 against. August 2, 1788: North Carolina convention adjourns without ratifying by a vote November 21, 1789: North Carolina ratifies. Vote: 194 for, 77 against. May 29, 1790: Rhode Island ratifies. Vote: 34 for, 32 against.