Land Use, Urban Sprawl & Smart Growth By Ms. Gingerich
In Maryland, population has been growing rapidly for over 50 years In Maryland, population has been growing rapidly for over 50 years. What are the effects of this new growth?
Land Use Land Use: the way humans use the Earth's surface These uses are classified as: urban suburban rural agricultural forested What does each of these words mean?
Population Growth & Land Use How and where people live and work affect the environment and the availability of natural resources. Responsible land use decisions by national, state and local governments are important. affect the environment inform local government decision makers.
The red dots on the maps indicate where people live.
The red dots on the maps indicate where people live.
The red dots on the maps indicate where people live.
What are the population trends in Maryland between 1929 and 1997?
What is the effect of the changes shown on the map on land use? What you see happening on the maps is what many call urban sprawl.
Why should you be concerned about population growth and land use?
Urban Sprawl & its Impact Population growth and development both affect the environment. Urban sprawl is the spreading of development into areas adjoining or next to a city. Examples of urban sprawl include: farmland turned into shopping mall or housing developments open spaces (or undeveloped land) disappearing as new buildings are constructed
One Example of Urban Sprawl Valley Springs is a suburban community in Loudon County, Virginia. Most of the community was built on what was a dairy farm. On the western side of this community are farms and people who want to maintain their way of life. On the eastern side of this community, employers like America Online and other large corporations, fuel urban growth and the demand for new housing.
Effects of Urban Sprawl As a result of urban sprawl, portable classrooms (or trailers) have become standard at many public schools. Some schools use dozens of these trailers as they try to meet the demands of the growing population in their communities.
Effects of Urban Sprawl In the past fifty years, many regions in Maryland placed demands on state and local governments to extend growth outward from areas already developed. This has involved: Building new and bigger roads Building schools Building sewage and water treatment plants providing more fire and police protection
Effects of Urban Sprawl The growing migration from established neighborhoods to suburbs has left cities in decline, and has also led to a loss of open space.
Addressing the Problems To provide a better future for all the citizens, the General Assembly of Maryland instituted Smart Growth initiatives in 1997. These initiatives build on previous efforts to promote growth while preserving and protecting valuable natural and cultural resources.
Goals of Smart Growth Mixed land use Create many different housing options Preserve open space, farmland, wildlife refuge areas & the natural beauty of Maryland Provide a variety of transportation choices Take advantage of existing community assets Give examples of each of these.
Smart Growth initiatives differ by region In Western Maryland, the issue might be building a new highway segment. On the Eastern Shore, the issue might be building a large chain department store close to the Bay. In Baltimore City, the issue might be how to revive a hazardous waste site to encourage commercial development nearby.
What Smart Growth issues need addressed in Southern Maryland?