Bubonic Plague aka Black Death Don Robertson
Symptoms Decreased appetite Tiny broken blood vessels Fever Headache Chills Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pain Diarrhea, which may be bloody
Causes Bubonic plague is caused by yersinia Pestis also known as plague bacteria Yersinia Pestis is found in Mice, fleas, prairie dogs, cats, dogs, squirrels, wood rats, & chipmunks.
Transmission Bites from infected fleas Direct contact with infected tissue or bodily fluids Inhaling infected droplets
Treatments Treated with antibiotics: Gentamycin Streptomycin
Epidemiology first outbreak was in Constantinople in 570 AD Later the plague spread to Europe. There was another very serious outbreak of plague which began in 1328 in China or Central Asia and by 1347 spread across the Mongol Empire to West Asia, killing people in West Africa and in Europe. This plague killed about one out of every three people in Europe. The last outbreak was in LA in 1924-1925 10 to 15 people get the plague each year in the united stats 1000 to 3000 cases a year world wide
Prevention Stay away from infected animals Control the flea population
Websites I got my information check it out sometime http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/science/medicine/plague.htm http://plague.emedtv.com/bubonic-plague/bubonic-plague.html