LT: I can analyze the causes and effects of the Black Death on Europe.


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Presentation transcript:

LT: I can analyze the causes and effects of the Black Death on Europe.

Medieval Population How many people do you think lived in all of Europe in the year 1200? A) 5 million B) 10 million – the size of NYC today C) 75 million D) 100 million E) 300 million – the size of the USA today C) 75 million

Europe and the Silk Road

Along with the goods… (NOTES) Came disease as well. The Plague is believed to have originated with Mongol traders Easier travel on the Silk Road also allowed the Plague to spread quickly as well. Venice: ¾ population killed S.W. England ¼ of population killed Total Estimates: 25 million people killed

How it was transmitted… What is this called again?

The Black Death (NOTES) The Bubonic Plague Yersinia Pestis Fever, fatigue (flu-like symptoms), and Buboes Buboes - pus filled swelling of lymph nodes near the armpits or groin. Usually turned black (hence the name the Black Death), can become open sores Patients died in 2-4 days ~60% fatal

Other types of plague (NOTES) Septicemic Sometimes fatal before symptoms spread Nearly 100% fatal Spread through bloodstream via fleas or contact with plague-infected body matter. Abdominal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea Bleeding under skin due to blood clotting problems Bleeding from mouth, nose or rectum Fever Chills Organ failure Shock Death of tissue (gangrene) causing blackening in extremities, mostly fingers, toes and nose Difficulty breathing

Other types of plague - NOTES Pneumonic lung-based plague- the most infectious & least common form of plague. Typically, caused by spread to the lungs from advanced bubonic plague. However, a person may spread via droplets to other humans - coughing. Nearly 100% fatal Patients died in 2-3 days.

Children Affected: Physically & Mentally exposure to public nudity, craziness, and (obviously) abundant death was premature. parents even abandoned their children, leaving them to the streets

Efforts to Stop It - Notes burned all types of incense: *juniper, laurel, pine, beech, lemon leaves, rosemary, camphor and sulfur handkerchiefs dipped in aromatic oils = cover faces in public cure of sound =rang church bells, set off cannons

Efforts to Stop It - Notes The Flagellants - religious radicals who sought atonement for their sins by vigorously whipping themselves in public displays of penance.

What are your chances of getting the plague? Clear desk Take a card – DO NOT LOOK AT IT YET