State Report Please have your child cut and paste his or her report on a piece of constructions paper. Due March 10th
Use the handout to follow directions
5 points deducted for every day late. 100 points total 5 points deducted for every day late.
The format of the report is as follows Title page: Title page should include the state name, picture of the state, and your name.
Map/flag/climate Map and flag must be hand-drawn and colored. Map/flag/climate with information about each Map and flag must be hand-drawn and colored.
History of the state.
sports Include both professional and college teams. If there is no professional team as in West Virginia, include the college teams. Mention their mascot and include a picture.
Natural landmarks Examples of natural landmarks are mountains, valleys, rivers etc. This would be a great time to emphasize national parks.
Major cities The handout emphasizes 4 major cities. It is possible your state doesn’t have more than one. Include 4 cities and their populations etc.
Agriculture/natural resources The food that is grown there, cattle, lumber, coal etc.
Entertainment/Recreation This could include hunting, fishing, camping, theatre, ballet, barn raising etc.