Haitian Revolution By: Jungna Eungi Sylvia Esther
Introduction What is Haitian Revolution? Lasted for 13 years (1791~1804) One of the most successful slave revolution Haiti (Saint-Domingue) was colonized by France Forever gained liberty, possession, and equality. People gave up their life to make better, peaceful world for their descendants
Colonial Era Columbus landed on an island called Hispaniola and claimed it for Spain Natives died from European disease and brutal slavery 17th century – Hispaniola was ruled by French (northern) and Spain (Eastern)
The (African-slaves) Social Classes The Whites (Planters, Petit Blancs) The Free People of Color (Mulattoes, Free people of Color) The Black Slaves The Maroons
Conflicts from Social Status People despised the freedom & rights of the others Some blacks were free who despised slaves Slaves angry at how whites treated them (Racism) Passions of men and women enslaved Example: Mackandel Rebellion Three Sided Civil War August 21: Rebellion at Cape Francois
Influences of the French The French Revolution of 1789 Dissatisfaction and Distrust with France Imports/Exports Wanted to break free from France’s control Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen Slaves hoped it would apply to them Three Man Civil Comission Execution of Louis XVI Alliances made and broken with British
Toussaint First person to start the revolution Worked to free slaves – slavery abolished Began new government – independent Republic Fought the guerrilla war, contributed in massive campaigns, & contained slave revolts Switched from loyalty to Spanish back to French Agreed with French to stop Revolution (1802) The French did not trust Toussaint
Toussaint First person to start the revolution Worked to free slaves – slavery abolished Began new government – independent Republic Fought the guerrilla war, contributed in massive campaigns, & contained slave revolts Switched from loyalty to Spanish back to French Agreed with French to stop Revolution (1802) The French did not trust Toussaint
Independence in Haiti Dessalines continued Toussaint’s job after his death Declared the independent in Haiti and was the first black to free their country from European.
Consequences Caused fears about the slaves around the world France did not recognize Haiti as “independent nation” till 1825 – had to pay “indemnity” to former colonial master US imposed economic embargo and refused to recognize Haiti either till 1862 Eventually people in Haiti were free citizens Rights were established after the revolution
Consequences (Positive) Quality of lives improved compared to revolutionary Haiti’s political tradition broken with elections Questioning of slavery – Enlightenment Gained peace, liberty, freedom, possession, economic privileges - economic trading
Consequences (Negative) Independence brought poverty 1841 - the united provinces of central American had split into the republics of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honuras.
Pictures’s URL http://www.haitiantreasures.com/haitian_revolution.jpg http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/dgeggus/image008.gif http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/56/Flag_of_Haiti.svg/800px-Flag_of_Haiti.svg.png http://www.umich.edu/news/Releases/2005/Sep05/img/columbus.jpg http://www.aquaphoenix.com/lecture/matlab2/m/blackrectangle.bmp http://www.haitiantreasures.com/haitian_revolution.jpg http://library.thinkquest.org/28172/s.13.jpg http://arts.anu.edu.au/languages/source_pics/French.jpg http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/toussaint.gif http://www.loyno.edu/~seduffy/tracehaiti2.jpg http://www.apparelpizzazz.com/images/PA-0028%20Liberty%20&%20Freedom%20Fabric.jpg http://www.realadventures.com/panama.htm