Tyler Lange’s Career Path How to become a computer Engineer
My Career Goals I want to become a computer engineer by 2025 To get there, I will need to: Graduate high school by 2019 Take courses that will help to get the job Take training classes Learn about different computer programs and parts
What is a computer engineer As a computer engineer you research, design, develop and test computer hardware like chips,sensors, circuit boards, keyboards, modems, routers and printers. You may work on the manufacturing as well as the installation of those components writing software and firmware Most hardware engineers work in labs. Most computer hardware engineers work full time.
About my future career They work in research laboratories and in high-tech manufacturing firms Salary = 37k – 115k The usual job hours are about 40 hours per week
My job has a 22.5% chance of becoming automated My job won’t be taken by robots because you need to research and develop new technology which robots wouldn‘t be able to
Computer engineering would be great for me because… I love working with computers
I am not quite ready for this career, but I will get there! These are skills for the job I still need to learn: learn about all the parts of the computer This is how I will get those necessary skills: take classes to learn more about them
This is what appeals to me with this career… Making new technology Learning about all the parts of computers Working with computers everyday
These are some things I find less appealing about this career… The long hours
Potential obstacles to getting this career The possible obstacles: getting the right degrees to have a chance To get the job My plan to overcome them: study and put in work to get the degree
Potential obstacles to being successful within this career The possible obstacles: not that good of A outlook and a low employment rate My plan to overcome them: do extra work and get the degrees to look better on a resume
The training/education required for my career is: bachelor’s degree in computer engineering major in computer or electrical engineering background in math and science. familiarity with computer programming may require a master’s degree in computer engineering Some obtain a master’s degree in business administration
I intend to go to UBC for that career Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Engineering physics, mechanical, computer engineering B.A.Sc. degree 4 years $41,895.36
Financial Plan I am going to pay for my program: By getting a job early and saving my money up to pay for the course
High school courses required Grade 11 courses: Grade 12 courses: Language Arts Pre calculus 12. Precalculus 11 Biology. Physics Calculus. Second Language Chemistry. Computer Science.
Engineer’s are awesome!!! Working with computers Developing new technology Testing new technology