The Democracy and the Republic 9/5/ 2017
Focus Notes/Cornell Notes Take out a sheet of paper Draw a line or fold the left side of the paper to create a margin to the left (about 1/3 of the paper) The left margin is for comments, questions, pictures, etc. The right side is for notes
On the top of your page, write: Essential Question On the top of your page, write: What is a Democracy and a Republic? How did they both start and change over time?
TED Video While watching, take 5 notes that help to answer the essential question at the top of your page. Notes:
Discussion Do you think Athenian Democracy would work in the US? (instead of voting for government officials, they were chosen randomly from a pool of qualified people) Pair Share
Greece City-states with own Government Government: A system for controlling the society Types of Government: 1. Aristocracy 2. Monarchy 3. Oligarchy 4. Democracy Democracy= “demos” and “kratos”
Citizens helped run the government Citizens= Adult, Male residents athens Citizens helped run the government Citizens= Adult, Male residents Reforms of Solon 594 bc Outlawed slavery based on debt and canceled farmers’ debt 4 classes based on wealth not hereditary Big Idea: Any citizen could bring charges against wrongdoers and effect government
Reforms Solon Cleisthenes
Reforms of Cleisthenes Founder of Democracy in Athens Full Democracy Balance poor and rich in the assembly All citizens can submit laws in the assembly Council of 500 Proposed laws and helped guide the assembly
Reforms of pericles Incresed the ability of poorer people to participate in government He did this by: 1. hired more paid public officials and 2. paid jurors Direct Democracy: Citizens rule and make laws directly What type of democracy does the US have?
Philosophy and government Greek philosophy helped flourish and spread democracy Philosophers believed: 1. the umiverse is put together in an orderly way that is subject to absolute and unchanging laws, 2. people an understand laws through logic and reason Socrates=socratic method Plato=governed by the wisest and not the richest Aristotle=Politics worked because humans naturally want to be orderly
Legacy 1. Citizens need to and should participate in Democracy and the government 2. 3 branches of government
Pair share Turn to your partner and summarize what a democracy is in your own words. After talking to your partner, write down your response at the bottom of your notes
The Roman Republic 509 BC- Roman Aristocrats overthrew the King and made a Republic Republic- A form of government where the power resides with citizens (the people) who have the right to elect leaders who make government decisions Indirect democracy Free-born males Patricians vs. Plebians
12 Tables (tablets) Written code of law 451 BC- 10 officials wrote down the law Big Idea: All (free) citizens had the right to equal protection of the law and the law was enforced equally and fairly Discussion: Are laws in the US fair, and are they enforced equally? Does everyone have equal protection under the law? Write down answer on your notes
Republic Government Separate branches 2 elected consuls Legislative: Senate + 2 assemblies Emergency dictator
Roman Law Laws based on Reason and Justice to protect citizens and property All citizens had equal treatment under the law Innocent until proven guilty Burden of proof on the accuser not the accused Any law that was unreasonable/unfair set aside
Code of Justinian Written Roman code/laws Emperor Justinian compiled 5,000+ roman codes Became the guideline for Western Europe “government of laws, not of men” What does this mean? picture
Legacy People are citizens in a state not the subject of a ruler Power to the people Written legal code for all people Republic ideals Took Greece’s ideas and added to them Why are we learning about Rome and Greece?
What are the positives and negatives of government? Think about any ways that government helps people Think about any flaws with government Connect with the US, North Korea, Mexico, or any other world governments now, or in the past Do all governments work? Why or why not? Are Democracies/Republics the best form of government, or are there other forms that are just as good, if not better?
Government Positives Negatives An organized system to rule people Way of protecting people Power is separated Makes the populace orderly and less chaotic Leads to advancements in society Laws can be unfair or abusive Can be poorly executed Can have corrupt politicians Governments can be oppressive Censorship
Government positives Negatives People/citizens can be safe from unlawful justice Laws to prevent criminals Justice and PeAcE Not enough security or not enough enforcement of laws
Venn Diagram On your notes, work with your partner to create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting democracy and republics