What do you feel makes a test “good” or “bad”? Why do we have tests? In school – tool for teachers to assess not only how you’re learning, but how they’re teaching as well. Predicting how well a person might do in a particular career. Predicting how successful a person might be in college. Assessing an individual’s desires, interests, attitudes. Revealing psychological problems. Standardized tests allow us to compare one individual to another. Bellringer: What do you feel makes a test “good” or “bad”? Why do we have tests?
Learning Targets Identify the most widely used personality tests Describe the use of personality tests Explain test reliability, validity, and standardization
4E “Personality Tests”
Psychological Tests- What makes a good test? Reliability – ability of a test to give the same results under similar conditions. Test consistency How do you test reliability Re-take the same test and get the same results Scored the same by different people
Psychological Tests- What makes a good test? Validity: ability of a test to measure what it’s intended to measure Measured by how well a test predicts performance How do you test validity? Make sure the purpose of the test is clear Ex. A vocabulary test will not measure aptitude for engineering.
Psychological Tests- What makes a good test? Standardization: 1. Test must be administered and scored the same way every time. 2. Norms or averages are established by a large group of people Example of standardized tests: ACT, SAT, EOC, KOSSA,
A percentile is a comparison score A percentile is a comparison score. It represents how well you did as compared to other students. If you score in the 70th percentile, you scored better than 70 out of 100 people
Create a test for a Firefighter What should the application requirements be? What skills/knowledge should a department assess of its applicants? Common Assessments: Mechanical Aptitude Situational Judgment and Reasoning Directional Orientation Reading Comprehension Basic Mathematics Grammar, Vocabulary, and Spelling Recently, a court ruling said that math and reading requirements are not critical to the job of a firefighter and were discriminatory against minorities. What do you think? B2 START HERE
Respond to Tests What do you like about that groups tests Do you think they are missing anything Does a part seem unreliable, invalid, or cannot be standardized?
Personality Test Purpose Psychologist and Psychiatrist uses personality test Assesses personality characteristics and identifies problems Can predict future behavior Identify psychological disorders
Types of Personality Tests Objective MMPI-2 CPI MEYERS-BRIGG Projective Rorchach Ink Blot TAT (Thematic Appreciation Test)
Objective Most widely used style of personality test Pencil and paper responses Must select an answer to a question from a small number of choices Multiple Choice or True/False
MMPI-2 It consist of 567 true/false or cannot say questions The test goals Reveal habits, fears, delusions, and symptoms of psychological disorders
The CPI- The California Psychological Inventory Similar to the MMPI The CPI does not measure psychological disorders and uses some of the same questions as the MMPI. Measures traits Responsibility, self-control, and tolerance (others/situations)
The Meyers-Briggs Focus How a person processes information Makes decisions Completes day-to-day task. Test will determine Introverted vs. extroverted Intuition vs. sensing Feeling vs. thinking Judging vs. perceiving
Personality tests: Projective a person is asked to respond freely, giving his or her opinion/interpretation of various stimuli No right or wrong Invite people to tell stories about pictures or objects Since the pictures or objects have no meaning the story must tell us something about people Can determine Wishes Fears Unconscious feelings
Rochach Inkblot tests Best-known psychological test Procedure Subject is shown a set of 10 ink blots and is asked what they see Responses are recorded and other questions may be asked about the ink blot Responses can determine certain aspects of personality and the unconscious Example Mention lots of movement=extroverted Mentions about colors=Introverted
Create Your Own Inkblot Take a plain white piece of paper Pour paint into center of paper Fold your paper in half. Hamburger style! Unfold you paper and let dry B2 Stopped Here
TAT-The Thematic Appreciation Test For each picture that follows: write a short description of what is going on in the image. Explain what the characters are doing Explain their emotions Explain why they are acting the way they are
These columns will need more room than this image displays! Chart Drawing Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Write a short description of what is going on in the image. Explain what the characters are doing Explain their emotions Explain why they are acting this way These columns will need more room than this image displays!